[14] A crown does not make a king

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"It would waste men."
"It would strengthen his claim to the throne."
"No. No it does'nt"
"Yes it does."
"Stormcloak allying Jarls will help us win this war, not pointless jewellery."
"It's not pointless! It's a crown." the old bear said throwing his hands up and taking a step back from the war table.
I was standing with my back straight and looking out of the small slits of window.
"Exactly Galmar. Winning the war will ensure loyal Jarls who will support Ulfric. A crown won't help." I said evenly, pushing my hair out of my face.
"The crown will make him king." Galmar protested.
"A crown does not make a king." I said flatly, "if he agrees I'll go along with your stupid plan. "Now I'm going to find this word wall." I said waving the "letter from a friend."

No idea who this person is but if they want to give me shouts I'm definitely fine with that.

"Lydia!" I shouted, "we're going on an adventure!"

"There's a war and a dragon crisis, there is enough on skyrim just now. This is going on the back burner." I laughed as I took my gold off the altmer woman for the various things I had found in the barrow and the armour of the cultists who had just tried to kill me.

"You should probably prevent the end of the world first." Lydia mused taking a bite out of an apple and wiping her mouth.

After buying a set of Orcish armour -I had come to the realisation that my own was horrendous and I needed an upgrade- I returned to the palace of the kings. noticing the smug look in Galmar's face I sighed. "He's agreed hasn't he." I said rolling my eyes and moving across the throne room toward the door to upstairs, I intended to have Wunereth enchant my armour.

"Soon as possible." He said with a smirk.
"You rally people I'll meet you there." I sighed.

"Freya! Good to know I'll have you in here with me, this chills my bones and I don't care who knows it!" Ralof said turning and glaring at his fellow soldiers.

"Good to see you in a less dire situation my friend." I said clapping him on the shoulder before going to talked to Galmar.

"I've had a look, positively swarming with imperials. Why in the name of Talos are they here?"
"I don't know! Spies?" The older man defended.
"What is your plan? We run in and break their faces or be sneaky?"
"It's only you that likes to break faces." He said rolling his eyes. "The latter."
"So be it." I said grabbing my dwarven bow from my back.
"When did that happen?" Galmar said nodding towards the bow.
"Same time as this." I said in response tugging a matching arrow from its sheath.
"Okay where?"
"Dwarven ruin."
"Okay.. go round the back and wait for the rest of us."
"Nah, I'm fine." I said readying the arrow.
"Freya. Just wait." He hissed.
"Fine, hurry up!" I said impatiently

"I don't like the look of this. Perfect spot for an ambush. Ten to one they're just waiting for us on the other side."
"But there isn't any other way through." A soldier protested
"You sure about that? Then please, be my guest and go strolling on in there. We'll stay here and watch your back. Not so sure? Oh, then perhaps we should take a moment to look around a little, eh? Freya, see if you can find another way through. We'll charge in to help as soon as we hear fighting." Galmar said turning to me.
"You bloody better."

Heading off down the obvious path I was greeted by lots of imperials.
To sneak or not to sneak?
Downing a potion of fortify two handed, I smashed my hammer into the first soldiers head.

"What in the nine holds is that?"
"Draugr. Ain't you ever seen one before?"
"No, and I'm not sure I'm better off for it now neither."
"Aye, if you can't deal with this have fun with the ones that move." I said, sneaking up behind the woman, laughing as she jumped.
"Just be quiet and you won't even wake them." I sad walking on ahead.

"Freya! What's this?" Ralof called over standing next to a word wall.
"I knew there was something worthwhile in here!"
"We just found the jagged crown! Do you even care?"
"Not really! I have a shout now!"
"Just get the crown to Ulfric will you?"



Now I needed dragon souls to unlock this, the crown can wait.

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