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"You know I went to that Arentino boys house." I commented as we wandered through rorikstead, I had slain the dragon that resided there and found Alduin resurrecting him. For the love of Talos that dragon doesn't make my job very easy.

"When?" Lydia asked.
"When you were getting it on with Galmar."
"I wasn't!"' She protested, turning as red as a mountian flower.
"Oh calm down. He thought I was an assassin from the dark brotherhood."
"I just played along and he gave me a plate." I shrugged.

"I'm thinking a dragon instead of a goat, but keep the same colours?" I mused from the throne.
"What?" Grey-mane asked.
"The city emblem, I don't like the goat. Never did."
"I'll see to it."
"I'm taking my leave." I said, heading to my bed.

Okay this is not my bed.

"Sleep well?"
Oh oblivion no.
"No it's rather cold." I retorted, smirking when I realised that I was still holding a dagger.

I had started sleeping with a dagger after the nightmares had begun.

"Fiesty. I like it." she said, swinging her leg slightly as she sat on her perch, face covered except from a pair of piercing eyes.
"Where am I?"
"Does it matter? You're warm, dry... and still very much alive. That's more than can be said for old Grelod. Hmm?"
I inhaled sharply. "Shit, so you know about that?"
"Half of Skyrim knows. Old hag gets butchered in her own orphanage? Things like that tend to get around. Oh, but don't misunderstand. I'm not criticizing. It was a good kill. Old crone had it coming. And you saved a group of urchins, to boot. Ah, but there is a slight... problem. You see, that little Aretino boy was looking for the Dark Brotherhood. For me, and my associates. Grelod the Kind was, by all rights, a Dark Brotherhood contract. A kill... that you stole. A kill you must repay." I couldn't see her mouth but I could definitely hear her smirk.
"I'm not sure what your hinting at, what do you actually want." I questioned crossing my arms and and raising my eyebrows.
"Well now. Funny you should ask. If you turn around, you'll notice my guests. I've "collected" them from... well, that's not really important. The here and now. That's what matters. You see, there's a contract out on one of them, and that person can't leave this room alive. But... which one? Go on, see if you can figure it out. Make your choice. Make your kill. I just want to observe... and admire."

I turned round and notice three bound people with hoods over their heads. A noble cat, a frightened warrior and a nagging mother.

"I'll have my people carve my name into your corpse!"
"You should be ashamed! Taking a poor woman away from her children!"
"Please don't kill me!"

Well, the choice there was obvious really.
They all had to die.

Swift cuts to their throats brought an end to their lives and sent them to meet their gods.

"Well well well, quite the over achiever."
"I do pride myself on it."
"I would like to officially extend to you an invitation to join my Family. The Dark Brotherhood. In the southwest reaches of Skyrim, in the Pine Forest, you'll find the entrance to our Sanctuary. It's just beneath the road, hidden from view. When questioned by the Black Door, answer with the correct passphrase: "Silence, my brother." Then you're in. And your new life begins. I'll see you at home."
I merely nodded and she tossed me the key.

By the time I managed to return, Whiterun was in turmoil. Well the court was, the people were happily oblivious.

I returned in the dead of night, less people to get suspicious at my muddied nightdress and less people to ask questions.

"She's alive!"
"I would hope so!" I laughed as Lydia staggered up to greet me.
"I thought you were dead, that would have a fuck up." she slurred.
"Can someone take her to bed?"

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