[10] Your about to over heat your troll fat.

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"That's the last of him." Ralof said covering his eyes as he peered into the sun.

"Last of him?" I laughed, "oh no Ralof, something tells me this is just the beginning"

Sheathing the rusted iron war-hammer I had found inside the keep I set off with Ralof.

"My sister Gerdur owns the mill in Ruverwood can give us supplies, a place to lay low for awhile" Ralof sighed, "fine" I said simply.

I had found the war-hammer on the corpse of a boy, about 18, fighting under Ulfric's banner.

Ulfric... Kynareth's mercy, I hope he's alive.

"Stick to the main road Ralof" I snapped "The forest may be quicker but I can not be bothered fending off bandits."

"Right Stormblade." Ralof said smiling, he was so happy despite the daft a dragon had just attacked us.

Grabbing a bundle of blue mountain flowers from the side of the road, I passed a few to Ralof.

Noting the confusion in his eyes I laughed. "You eat them"

"Eat them? But they're flowers!" He said confused.

Still laughing I chewed the flowers, they tasted distinctly... Green.

"They're healing flowers" I explained, "what?" He said still confused.

"They're an ingredient in healing potions Ralof."
"Your an alchemist?" "No I'm a dock worker" I said rolling my eyes. "Yes I'm an alchemist, I practice in my free time, now eat the damned flower"

"Almost to Ruverwood" he commented after he had finally eaten the mountain flower, I of course knew that we were almost there but I chose not to comment.

"We should be fine, Whiterun's neutral" I said as the mill came into view, "so your sisters?"

"Her and her husband should be working the mill." He said, his feet sounding out on the Woden bridge.

"Gerdur!" Ralof called to his sister, the blonde woman placed down her axe and pulled off her gloves a look of shock crossing her face.

"Ralof? Is that you? Hod, get over here!" The Nord lumberjack shouted to her husband.

"What is it woman, Sven drunk on the job again?" He husband called back.

"Just get over here! You two follow me." She said walking away from the mill.

"Uncle Ralof! Have you killed any imperial soldiers?" An exited child came running up to us, the mirror image of his mother.

"Not now frondnar! Go watch the road, tell us if you see any imperial patrols." His mother snapped and he took of running.

Turning to us, "what's this about? Who's this?" She said gesturing at me.

"This is my friend, Freya War-Hammer. She's saved my life more times than I can count now."

I raised my hand in some form of greeting.

"We were ambushed by imperials," Ralof continued, "destined for the chopping block and a dragon came out of nowhere!"

"A dragon! Well that would explain what I saw flying over the barrow this morning."

"I need to go tell the jarl about this. Riverwood is going to need extra guards." I cut in before this turned into a debate about dragons.

"Talos be with you" Gerdur said as I took off towards Whiterun.

"Official business only! Jarls orders." The guard stated, blocking my entrance to the city.
"I'm the bloody thane! Let me in!" I snapped,
"We don't know that! Could be anyone."
"I'm just back form Helgen, now open the Gods damned gates!"
"Fine" the guard grumbled and when he had opened the gate I shoved him aside, heading to Dragonsreach.

"Who does he think I am?! Some errand girl?" I asked incredulously to Lydia, "Dragonstone tablet that 'May or may not be there' that wizard is an absolute trolls arse! 'I doubt you'd know what I was talking about.' Who in oblivion does that man think he is? 'More suited for menial tasks' I'm the bloody thane!"

"Thane, calm down. It's just a ruin, we'll be a few hours at most and then you can rub it in his face." Lydia said in an attempt to calm me down as she out an arrow in a bandits head.

"True" I mused pushing open the door to bleak falls barrow, "I've been to plenty draugr infested crypts before, but it's the sheer lack of care they have! I'm the jarls cousin and he sends me away to fetch a tablet in a ruin!"

"Calm down" Lydia said slowly, "calm right down"

"Let's just get this thing and leave."

Pulling my war-hammer out of the Draugr overlords skull and picking up the Dragonstone, I turned to Lydia.

"It does exist, catch" I said tossing it to her and walking over to the strange wall.

"I think this is a word wall." I called to Lydia as I examined it.


The first word of unrelenting force.

I had never even tried to learn it, when Ulfric was showing me how to shout and when I was trying to learn it for myself I was more focused on the aspects that would cause wonder, like breathing fire.

"I have no idea what that is" she called back to me.

"I have a house full of books, what do you do in your spare time?" I asked turning to face her and arching my eyebrow.

"You also have a house full of mead and potion ingredients, I amuse myself." She said smirking.

"That's where all of my stuff is going! You horker!" I said beginning to look for the secret passage that would let us out, there was one in almost every barrow.

Finding it and heading up the tunnel I came across a chest filled with gold and a copper and moonstone circlet, pocketing both I headed out into the chilling night air.

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