[21] Planned detours

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"You took your time..." Delphine sighed as I finally sauntered down the narrow staircase.
"Shut up." Lydia hissed, rubbing her temples as she sat in the corner. "For the love of Talos will you ever shut up?"

"I had more important things to do." I said shrugging.
"Than stopping Alduin?"
"Yeah, pretty much, so what's happening?"
"Sky haven temple. Alduins wall. Reforming blades.Okay let's go!"

"So how did it go? Lydia asked as we trailed slightly behind the two blades.
"Could have gone worse. Could have gone better."
"What happened?"
"He's a master thief with a bounty in all of the holds."
"Organised crime is always fun." I talked right over the top of her.
"Balgruuf knew."
"Doesn't that mean Ulfric would have known?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
"We're making a detour!"

It was freezing cold in Windhelm and the sight of the snow swirling around was quite magical, but I had bigger things.

"Ignore it." I sighed as I walked past Rolf, it would only end in a brawl.
Leave them to their elf hating.

I entered the palace, the snow following me into the warm stone halls.

"Freya! Who are these?" Kai shouted jovially from across the room.
"Personal guard." I said shrugging it off, they technically were.
"Oh, I forgot you were a jarl now! How's it going?"
"Great, do you know where Ulfric is?"
"His room, he said to not be disturbed."

In other words a whore.

I passed the sleeping guard and jogged up the stone steps.

Trying the handle, I found the door was locked.

Fus Roh Dah.

The woman screeched and Ulfric just sighed.
"Now I need a new door, for the love of Talos can you not knock?" He said, sitting up in the bed, his broad chest in show while the woman clutched the sheets around her.
"A whore? Really?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "You can go now." I said turning to her.

The woman was obviously a Nord. Tall fair and blonde.

She began to protest and I just put my hand up to silence her.

Passing her a purse of coins as she left I turned to Ulfric.

"You knew."
"Knew what?"
"That Brynjolf was alive."
"How would I have known?"
"Because he has a gods damn bounty!"
"I was advised against telling you."
"So thinking that he was in a thalmor prison was better?" I said with a mocking laugh. "Enjoy your whores Ulfric."

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