[5] Thoes thalmor Bastards!

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-Graphic-ish descriptions of violence torture-

I woke up to a very harsh reality.

I had been hoping to be looking upon the mountains and valleys of Sovengarde, to cross the whale bone bridge, swap tales of battle with heroes of old and drink mead with Ysgramor, I however I instead awoke to find myself slumped against the rough, cold stone of a wall in a small, cramped cell that smelled of decay and human necessity. I was dressed in nothing but a pair of tattered rags with my hands shackled above my head, leaving me defenceless.

An Altmer man with shoulder length, white blond hair, shimmering golden skin that seemed to glitter like it had been coated in moon dust and a strong face with angular features I would have perhaps considered handsome in the right light and if I hadn't wanted to rip him limb from limbs here he stood, walked into my cell. He was unsurprisingly dressed in the black and gold Thalmor robes all of their justiciars wore and he operated with a cold indifference that, even though I didn't want to admit it, shook my very bones.

"Nice sleep?" He asked sarcastically in a loft voice that only made me want to punch him more, "I'm Ancano, your interrogator, your new best friend." He paused to smirk before continuing. "And your worst nightmare."
"Yeah you don't say with a face like that." I murmured
Crouching down to my level, he grabbed my face harshly with a gloved hand, jerking it to the side.
"Now, let's start off by having you tell me who you are?" He asked with a cruel smirk.

I then, because I think I'm fucking invincible and inhumanly strong, try my best to turn my face away from the eleven scum and start wriggling which does absolutely no use other than to tire me out.

"Make no mistake" he said with a slight laugh. "We can do this the the easy way, where I ask you a question and I get an answer, or we can do it the hard way where I torture you till you break and tell me everything you know and you loose yourself in the processing. This is always my favourite part, this is where I get to see if your smart, or fun so for the last time before this gets nasty, who are you?"
"Bastard" I hissed at him, earning a slap that swung my head sidewards.
"I guess you chose the fun way, i can't say I'm dissatisfied as I do enjoy that a lot more." He says laughing.

Standing up, he raised a gloved hand and shot a steady stream of flames towards my unprotected stomach. Rags were no barrier to the flames onslaught.

The pain was excruciating. It was torture but I prided myself on being a stubborn Nord and I was determined to not give him the satisfaction of my screams even though I could feel my skin blistering and cracking.

I can honestly say I have no idea how long this went on for as it felt like hours but it could have been minutes for all I could tell. Perhaps if I ever find myself telling this story in the future I'll make it hours. It's more impressive that way.

When I was in the brink of unconsciousness I heard him begin to laugh. "I'm not done till you answer me."
"Well I hope you've nowhere to be, milk drinker." I choked out.

Suddenly a pleasant warmth filled my body and I was enveloped in a glowing light, I felt my skin begin to bind back together and heal.

"I have nowhere to be apart from right here with you." He said running a gloved hand over my face gently, in almost a lovers caress. "Just think, I can make it all stop. All you have to tell me is your name and it can all stop."
"How about you get fucked?"
"No problem then." He said with a smile and his hand still on my cheek. He leaned in so his lips grazed my ear and I could smell his over cologned scent. "You have no idea how much I enjoy doing this to you."

Around perhaps the 15th time I began to scream.

As a small child I had touched one of the glowing braziers that dotted the city of Whiterun day and nights when I was walking down to the market from the cloud district or the plains district
with my mother and father, I don't remember it clearly enough to recall most of the details.
I do remember trying not to cry though I was sure my hand was going to need sawn off and I remember going to Danica and the fact it took her almost no effort at all to heal the simple burn. I remember that it taught me something important and I did now know  that fire was not something to be played with, it was something to be respected and I was having this lesson strongly reinforced today.

As he was healing me after the whateverth time I told him who I was.

I reasoned with myself that this small insignificant bit of information wasn't going to change anything, it wouldn't cause deaths and it would stop this pain for a short period of time.

So "Freya" I coughed, struggling. "Freya War-Hammer." And when I finished spluttering out the words, a large smirk crossed his face, "Good girl" he said patting me on the head.

"You see, your dear mother told us all about you. Let's see if I remember? Thane of Whiterun, was it? I can see I'm going to enjoy getting information out of you." he said laughing and exiting the cell.

Oh my mother was apparently more of a bitch than I thought. She had already all but turned my brother into the Thalmor which was fair enough as it wasn't me but now it appears she's gone and the done the same to me. This was rather shocking as I thought I was the favourite child.

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