[22] Grab the heart

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Lydia's POV

"Jarl Freya, you're still here?" Ulfric said with a forced smile and a raised eyebrow, this should be interesting. I slid down the wall and sat on the ground, polishing my sword.
"Well Jarl Ulfric, Whiterun wants to lend a hand in your valiant war efforts. My time personally has been consumed by trying to slay the world eater." Freya said with a smirk. Well I can't say my jobs boring with the enemies she makes.
"I advise you to watch your tongue Dovahkiin, you're not above a stay in the cells."
"I doubt the cells would hold me."

And that conversation ended with a gaged Freya in the cells, I did say it would be amusing.

"You're not going to do anything?" Galmar asked sitting down beside me.
"Oh oblivion no."
"But you're her Housecarl Yes?"
"Well is she going to be executed?"
"Striped of her title?"
"I shouldn't think so..."
"Is it gong to end with them best friends by suns height?"
"Probably." Galmar guffawed, biting into an apple."
"Well, I'm more than happy to let her sit and stew for a while."
"Well, Freya's smart..." I cut him right off.
"Ha. No Freya's a bumbling idiot. I swear it's sheer dumb luck." I laughed.
"She's a skilled warrior." He insisted.
"I have seen her fall head first off of the steps at Dragonsreach into the water while completely sober. My jarls an idiot." I said huffing and rolling my eyes.

"So has your job changed much now your guarding a jarl?" He asked inquisitively.
"Nope, she still runs off and fights dragons. This is just a stop on our way to find a blades temple and a wall or something." I said rolling my eyes.
"Did the thalmor not destroy the blades?" He questioned, arching a brow.
"We're refounding it or something." I shrugged nonchalantly.
"Ahh. I do envy you, out slaying dragons while I'm stuck in here for most of the time." He sighed wistfully.
"I'm not without my boring points either. You should ask Farengar, Our Palace Mage. I have a tendency to ruin experiments for him." I half laughed.

"Does anyone want to help me!" I screeched as I ducked a sword swipe aimed at me by a briar heart.

The man reeked of death and glimmered unnaturally. His foreign heart shoddily attached to his chest.

"I'm slightly busy!" Freya shouted at me, letting lose an arrow to the circling blood dragon.

It was a scene of chaos at the forsworn camp. Freya was tackling a dragon, Esbern and his atronarch were attacking a hagraven and Delphine was battling Forsworn.

"Just grab the heart and go help Delphine!" Freya shouted.

I paused confused for a moment and then plunged my hand into his chest and ripping out the heart. The man crumpled to the ground, dead.

"This place is really dragonborn oriented." Freya said rolling her eyes and rotating the pillars to solve the puzzle.

An moss covered bridge came down and we all trudged across, followed by pressure plates.

"I got it." Freya announced, wandering across the floor while paying close attention to her foot placement.

Freya strapped a sword glowing with an enchantment to her waist while I gathered up a set of armour. I had to give it to the blades, this was good stuff.

"So what's the wall say?" I called over the room to Esbern.
"It's intriguing, I think they defeated him with a shout. Dragonrend."
"Well then, I'll just ask Arngier, simple."

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