[17] Dresses are inconvient.

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"Vignar! You're going to have to watch the city while I'm away on important business." I called as I made my way down the wooden steps and past the the throne.
"What business? Anything I should know about?"
"I'm going to one of Elenwyn's parties."
"Your associating with the thalmor now?" The older man said narrowing his eyes, disapproval evident in his tone.
"No, I'm crashing it to see what they know about the dragons."
"Well..." He deliberated. "At least that makes sense I suppose, do try to not get yourself killed, Ulfric's not going to like this you know."
"I at this point in time, do not give a skeever shit what he thinks. I'm the dragonborn. I'm going to be controversial." I huffed, running down the wooden steps, me footfalls muffled by the carpet. I was eager to go out again. It hadn't been long but already I missed adaventure.

"So give what you need to my contact in solitude and I'll get you and invitation, and some new clothes, but you should pass until you open your mouth." Delphine said raising her eyebrows at my attire. I didn't like hers, I mean leather armour? Obviously the best.
"I've got an invitation already actually and I can sort clothes for myself."
"How did you manage to get an invitation?" Delphine said her eyes widening in surprise.
I do not like this Breton at all.
Talos' sake I'm just waiting for an excuse to kill her.
"You? Really? I heard there was new Jarl but I was expecting someone a bit more... suited to the position."
"Stop talking will you?"
"Meet me at the farm in solitude after you talk to Marlborn."

"That's something of an open wound where attire is concerned..."
"I'm aware... Do you have a dress?"
"Are you following me now Freya?" A cool, eleven voice cut through the quiet of the shop like an sharpened (Elven) dagger and I snapped my head around.
"I could ask you the same question."
Arivanya was standing in the doorway of the tailors with one hand resting one her hip with the other was supporting a pile of clothing. Her golden hair was pulled up from her face and her emerald eyes were slightly narrowed, and expression which matched my sapphire ones.
Brushing past me and placing the pile of robes down on the table Arivanya sat in one of the chairs in the corner of the shop.
"Taarie, I need theses mended in a few days."
"Ondolemar caught them on the rocks again?"
"Mostly, although some of mine were subject to battle axe wielding town guards." Arivanya said glaring at me, Lydia snorted enjoying my discomfort and I threw my hands up in surrender,
"I specified alive, I guess they took that as 'injured' not exactly my fault."
"Oh so this is Freya?" Endarrie said raising an eyebrow and resting her chin daintily on her hand, "I expected her to be... more impressive."
Why is everyone saying this recently?!
"I'm guessing your part of Arivanya's little rebellion?"
"Mhmm, I wouldn't call it little. Rebellion, yes. Little no."
"Well an enemy of the thalmor is an friend of mine."
"And you're on your way to a party at the embassy right now?." Arivanya said slowly.
"I have my reasons." I shrugged non-commitaly.
"I'm just dying to discover them."
"It's going to be painfully clear very soon, you have my word."

"You're not exactly appropriately dressed for a Jarl." Taarie cut in still scrutinising my outfit.
It's Orcish armour, I don't dress in it for the fashion.
"I've been meaning to place an order for a few dresses..." I tried to reason.
"Come and I'll fit you for one for the party and I'll have some delivered to your palace... Where is it Arivanya?"
"Dragonsreach!" She called from downstairs as the sisters dragged my upstairs to outfit me for a dress

"Well what do you think Lydia?"
"You actually look like a jarl." Lydia said clapping slowly, a look of approval on her face.
"One wouldn't guess immediately that you were a barbarian" Arivanya smirked walking around inspecting the dress.

The dress in question was made of crimson satin embroidered with golden threads. The sleeves were tight but did allow for movement and the dress just touched the floor.

"You know an amulet of Talos may not be the best idea?" Arivanya said, rolling her eyes at me as if I was a child. I guess compared to all these elfs I am.
"We don't want you ending up in the cells now." Endarie smirked.
"All that sapphire is clashing with the dress..." Taarie complained, groaning.
"I have some gold and ruby things!" Lydia voulenteered, turning and fishing in her pack.
"Where did you get those?" I asked confused.
"You gave them to me to carry and never took them back." Lydia said rolling her eyes, "this is a..." narrowing her eyes at the enchantment shimmering in the circlet she turned it around in her hands a few times. "Fortify heavy armour." setting that down in the table she pulled out an matching necklace. "I want to say magicka regeneration?"
"Stamina regen." Arivanya said nodding at it.
"Unenchanted." Lydia said sitting the ring down on the table next to the other jewellery which I donned swiftly and pulled on a pair of fine boots.
"So you do actually do stuff when I'm away other than waste expensive ingredients?"
"There's only so many times you can make a potion without getting bored. I have no idea how you alchemy."
"How you alchemy?" Arivanya said raising a brow quizzically at the bad grammar.
"Potion make?" Lydia tried hopefully.
"Just stop Lydia." I sighed.
"Let me do your make up now." Arivanya said walking towards me with an menacing grin on her face.
"I can do that myself." I said taking a step back and faced the mirror.

"Well done."
"Do you people seriously think I can't do anything fashionable?"
"Heath pretty much."
"Shut up Lydia."

Paying for the dresses I left for the winking skeever.
Getting two mugs of spiced wine and igniting strange looks from a few people ( the last time they saw me I was sprinting through the city after the high king had been murdered, highly suspicious I know.) I sat down across from Marlborn.

"Our mutual friend sent me."
"You? She chose you?"
"Why does everyone keep saying this? I'm six foot tall, usually in some form of armour and I have a war hammer strapped to my back. of course she chose me. Just take my stuff."
Dumping the items on the table I headed for the farm.

"Shut up."
"I can actually believe that your a jarl."
"Shhh, Lydia, take my stuff."

Awarkdly pulling up my skirts up around me, I sat on the rickety wooden cart.

"A fellow late comer! And I arriving by carriage no less! I salute you!" Okay, he sounds drunk.
"Invitation?" The guard asked me, polite enough I suppose. I hope he's freezing. Who am I kidding, he's an elf he probably has frostbite. Which is great, from my perspective. He probably hates it.

"Ah Freya!" Elenwyn smiled walking over to greet me.
"Jarl." I muttered under my breath, I didn't actually care if she heard me.
"Nice to see your continuing Whiterun's fruitful relationship with the thalmor?"
"Mhmm." I need alcohol. Strong alcohol. Or Arinthia red? Whatever Marlborn just uncorked.
Damn elves, mead is fine. No one needs wine.

"I need something extremely strong, I need to get very drunk so I dont kill everyone."
"Colovian brandy, finest in the land."
Down the hatch.
"Can I have another one?"
"You need a clear mind to infiltrate the embassy!" Marlborn hissed.
"Rain on my parade why don't you."

"Okay you're definitely following me." I said to Arivanya who was leaning on the wall against an altmer man and looked incredibly bored.
"It's definitely your fault."
"I need a favour."
"Everyone just wants something."
"Like children." the altmer man muttered turning his head towards Arivanya.
"I will hit you in the face with a mace."
"Look at you rhyming." The man smirked.
"With a mace."
"I need you to cause a distraction." I cut in.

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