[4] The Thalmor

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"Is the food good?" I asked naively as I followed Galmar through the tent city, bustling with more people that solitude on market day.
"The food is not what a little lady is used to." He smirked, eyes flashing in the firelight as he spun to gauge my reaction to his quips. "Although I'm sure you'll manage."
"I'm not a little lady."
"Sure you're not

By the gods..." Galmar whispered.
"Its not him, it can't be!" I said laughing nervously. "I'm pretty sure he wouldn't walk down all these steps just to get torched by some Thalmor nutters."

Despite all of my bravado there was a feeling in the pit of my stomach that the man infront of me was infact, Ulfric Stormcloak.

"It certainly looks like it Freya..."Galmar said letting himself trail off.
"Ask the gods damn man then!" I shouted at him in response, accenting this with a very childish and bratty stomp of my foot. Galmar looked at me worriedly.
"Calm Freya, Calm down." He said patting my shoulder.
"He's on a mountain, a god damn mountain" I hissed, "Ask the man!"

Galmar walked up to the man hesitantly. "Kinsman?" He asked, tapping the man on the shoulder before taking a step back.

We were both nervous but for me it was a sense of hope and dread, I had gotten my hopes up and I knew for a fact they were about to be crushed.
But then the man turned around and exclaimed "Galmar?!" In a thick, deep voice I hadn't heard for years. By the Nine, Ulfric Stormcloak had come down from his mountain.
"Galmar, punch me" I said, feeling like I was in a dream like state which I was quickly brought crashing down to the ground from by a punch seemingly as powerful as the smack of a hammer. "For fucks sakes Galmar! I didn't want you to actually punch me you fucking dick!"
"Don't ask me to punch you then! How was I supposed to know?"
What a fucking idiot that man was, honestly.
"Freya." Ulfirc said laughing. "I'm really here."
With that I ran up to him and threw myself into his arms.

Many Months later
Campaign for the imperial city.

"Wait, do my ears deceive me? You offered her your war-hammer?" Rikke said laughing.
"You part with your war-hammer? Bullshit!" Ulfric said laughing.
"Well, to be fair she did call me out on that bluff." I said with a slight laugh before the mood returned to somber.

We overheard a few of the soldiers, just raw recruits, talking next to us and they looked quite young. Perhaps the were just becoming men. They were the kind of boys that ran straight to sign up and fight before they even knew what a war entailed and before they had even drawn blood or saw the light fade from a mans eyes while you were hilt deep in his chest. Alternatively described and as I liked to call them, men my age. I was just more experienced in the martial field than these milk drinkers.
"But.. What if I die Veekel? I've not done anything with my life apart from grow crops on fathers farm! Not even my own farm! I'm going to do a runner.."
"So am I Thorin, I've no chance of making it to sovengarde!" Veekel cried.

"For the love of Talos" I groaned, rather audibly and swivelled to stare at the men pointedly.
"Here it comes" Ulfric whispered to Galmar, nudging the man in the side.

I glared at the remark and fought the urge to kick the sandy dirt at our feet at their faces but stood up nonetheless and walked to them dancing orange fire we were all gathered around. I had always wanted to make a pompous, grandiose self important speech and now I sensed my chance
"To everyone who is frightened, or cowering, or worrying that their life's have not been good enough to make it to sovengarde. Remember that a Nord is not judged by the way he lived but a Nord is judged in the manner he died, so if you go out there tomorrow and die bringing the fight to the eleven scum, you will go to sovengarde! If you die fighting for the right to worship our gods, for the right to worship Talos he will send you to sovengarde!" I shouted, my voice growing in intensity as I progressed.

At the end of the speech I was met with a cheer which was really great because I had no idea what I was going on about,.

"For Talos!" Someone shouted.
Calls of "for Talos" rang out around the fire and I sat back down next to my friends, proud of myself.

"I'm going to Bed." I said putting my mug down on the ground and Ulfirc looked started at this.
"Il walk you" Ulfric said, standing up.

We walked in silence for a short while before reaching my tent and I turned round to face him after putting some things down and subsequently was pulled into a passionate kiss and without wasting a moment I began to kiss him back, my hands finding their way to his hair.

Ulfric broke off the kiss first and I was disappointed, I had been hoping that it would last forever.

Stepping back, he said quietly "10 years I've wanted to do that Freya, 10 god damn years. I love you, and if I die tomorrow, I want to die having told you that."

"Ulfric, I love you too." I whispered. "But don't be dramatic."
"Dramatic?" He laughed and I smirked.
"Well you did come home quite a few times at the start so it's not really ten years is it?"
"Technicalities." He laughed again.

I was shaken awake the next morning long before the sun had arose. The grip of quiet still seemed to cling to the camp and the atmosphere was somber.
"Time for battle" Ulfric said quietly to me before leaving the tent.

I immediately sprang up and pulled on my amulet of Talos (naturally) and donned a set of polished, heavy Imperial armour before securing my war-hammer to my back. Then because I was positive I was going to die today, I applied eyeliner and lipstick. If I'm going to be a corpse, I thought I'm going to be a really good looking one.

Finally I put on my gold and ruby circlet because I was still a show off at heart and because it had been the last gift my father had given me.

My talent with two handed weapons had been growing and growing, so my father had commissioned a circlet made of an intricate band of woven gold and decorated with rubies and then enchanted with fortify two handed be made for me. I always wear it to battle, so I might have him there with me and because it makes wielding a massive war-hammer that much easier.

I packed a few potions and poisons I had made specifically for this battle before heading out.

We received our orders swiftly before marching down on lines of shimming silver men and woman accompanied by rows of men and women clad in brown leather to stand outside of the imperial city.
"Fight well and die well, my friends." I said to the few standing next to me. "And may Talos guide because we'll sure as fuck need it."

And that's when the elves arrived and immediately it was carnage with bodies piling up everywhere. My stomach dropped and I blanched when I noticed that it was far more legionaries than Elves. I will forever be grateful that almost as soon as the battle started Ulfric parole rank to find me on the field that was now more blood than it was mud and we watched each other's backs. However it seemed the more we killed, the more that appeared. It was veritably an endless sea of simmering golden elves clad in shimmering golden armour firing shimmering golden arrows and simmering spells.

At some point during the battle, an arrow with a paralytic poison found it's way to my side. How do I know the poison was paralytic you ask? Well that would be because I fell to the ground completely immobile face down in the red mud.

As I began to bleed out, I stated to pray.

And then it all went black.


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