[11] The Western WatchTower

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"Here's your damned tablet." I said slamming the piece if stone down in the table, ignoring the Breton woman next to farengar and turning away towards the main hall.

"No time to stand on ceremony I need your help again." Balgruuf sighed clearly stressed, "a dragons attacking the western watchtower, I need you to go down there with Ireleth and kill it."

"Fine, but you know nothing is stopping you lifting your own damned sword?" I sighed pulling the cork off of a stamina potion and downing it, ignoring the glare I got from Lydia.

The watchtower was even more of a wreck than it had started out, piles of burning rubble littered the near by planes,

"Looks like it's gone, but it sure has been here." Ireleth mused, "fan out, search for survivors."

"Jogging up to the tower I was greeted by an injured guard.

"Don't come up here! Tokir and Horig got grabbed when they tried to make a fun for it, Kynareth save us here he comes again!" the guard shouted running back to the tower and sure enough an large bronze dragon came roaring over the mountain.

Ducking into the tower as the dragon started raining fire on us, I pulled out an Orcish bow and a quiver of matching arrows.

From a small slot in the side of the tower I began to shoot at the dragon.
As the dragon got weaker under the hail of spells and arrows, it landed.
This was my chance.

Drawing my Skyforge steel war-hammer - the imperials hadn't given back my dwarven one, I was not very amused with that- I ran at the dragon, gabbing his neck and swinging myself onto his head I smashed my war-hammer down into the soft spot at the back of his head.

Giving out one final cry the dragon collapsed and I rolled of him onto the damp ground.

Laughing I sat up to face the guards, "Thank the gods that worked."

Noticing worried looks on their faces,I actually began to listen.

I could hear a crackling noise behind me and looking back I saw the dragon was beginning to burn?

Pushing myself up and jogging away from the beast, a loud noise I could only compare to wind and a euphoric sensation filled me causing me to stop dead ; I found my self surrounded by swirling auroras of light.


I was absorbing a dragons soul.

"Thane, try and focus your voice into a Th'um!" A guard called over after it was over.
"That's how you'll know if your truly dragonborn!"

Fus, fus.

How had I learned yol?
I had done that one without Ulfric, hadn't I?

I know you had to hear the word within you.

Focusing on the word the word, suddenly something felt right.


I shouted at the skies.

"It's true! You are dragonborn!"

The Stormcloak Queen - A skyrim FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang