[12] Dohvakiin.

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Walking into Whiterun, there were two Alikr warriors in hammerfell garb having an augment with the guard? How strange.

Waking past them and up to the wind district I stopped to pray at the shrine of Talos.


The very ground shook as the greybeards hailed me to high horthgar, Heimskr had grabbed hold of the shire to support himself.

"A dragonborn? A blessing from Talos!" Heimskr declared, completely skipping over the fact that the dragonborn, me, is a child if Akatosh.

Not Talos.


Entering Dragonsreach and walking up to the tables where the court was having breakfast, I grabbed an apple and threw it up catching it.

"Heard the news cousin?" I laughed taking a bite out of the apple.

I intended to rub this in as much as I could, it's not often I get to do things like this to Balgruuf.

"No? That there's a dragonborn? Is someone dead, or alive?" He pondered.

"Has my dress arrived?" Dagny interjected and her father snapped "No! There is a war child!" He said, sending a pointed look at me.

"What is it?" He said turning back to his plate of food, walking up to the throne I sat down and leant back in the chair.

"I'm the dragonborn!" I smirked.

"Then why are you sitting about here? Shouldn't you be on a pilgrimage?" He he said arching an eyebrow.

"Wow Freya, that's great! Oh good luck climbing high horthgar! What an honour! Thanks for dealing with the dragon that almost burned down my mostly wooden hold!" I said Rolling my eyes.

"Pilgrimage Freya." He said pointing at the door.
Walking down the steps and into Jorrvaskr, I called to the companions; "Guess who's dragonborn?!"

"It's obviously you I've brains!" Aela shouted back.
"Great way to rain all over my parade!" Turning my attentions away from the woman who was sat on Skjor's knee, "Will someone get me drunk? I just killed a dragon!"

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