[31] Romanticism

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Hello! Long time no see. I'm doing some heavy editing to the beginning chapters if a re-read is something you'd enjoy. Stay safe loves x

I woke up to the angry splash of a full bucket of water on my face.

It at least smelled clean so, small mercies. That's what I told myself anyway. The truest mercy would have been a nice gentle shaking awake, or perhaps being left to bloody sleep.

"Get up!" Lydia hissed. "I am so done with you."
"Mmm, ten more minuites." I mumbled, feeling around for the furs that weren't there. Curious.
"You know there are always free beds here for you Freya?" A new voice chided, joining the assault on my ears and on my pounding head. "The floor? Not the best place to sleep."

Wrenching my eyes open, I groaned loudly against the bright light that flooded my senses. Blinking furiously to try and focus the picture of my sorroundings, Lydia's pissed grimace came swimming into view first, followed by Aela's bemused smirk.

"How did you even get here?" Aela laughed, flopping down onto the steps just above where I was lying sprawled. I was willing to bet good gold I'd fallen down them.
"The last thing I remember I was spending some quality time with my brother."

Quality time in this situation can be interpreted to mean many things, the way I used it here means I was doing a contract kill for the Theives guild.
"I think I probably had one too many bottles of wine or something." I groaned as I tried to sit up before discovering that ow! That hurts! Perhaps that's what I got for spending the night on a stone floor.

Again, alternatively, it went pretty badly. The man they wanted dead didn't deserve to die for a start. That was the first hiccup in my plan, the second was when the old bosmer begged for his life. I'm not cut out to be an assassin. Imperials? Can do! I'll slaughter them by the bunch. Altmer? Sure why not? The fuckers had it coming! Innocent old men? No.

We sat and had a cup of tea together, his special brew and chatted about life. I told him everything, how I was the Dragonborn and I was really struggling to discover what that meant now Alduin was dead, I told him about the civil war and my role in it and my infatuation with the Jarl of Windhelm and how I really wasn't sure I wanted to be an assassin. He told me of how he had no children, just Nieces and Nephews, how he missed his home and that my destiny was mine to define and then he drank tea. I had switched the cups when he wasn't looking and he died, suffocating on the floor of his home.

Yes, he had tried to poison me. He was a vicious little alchemist by the looks of that poison, the way he clawed at his face gasping, the way it took action so fast. I could have crafted a poison that let him down gentle, or even just stoped the thrashing and clawing without too much effort, he had deserved that much at least. The clawing gasping end, it was perhaps deliberate in his choice of poison that would kill me, a deserving death to the monster in his home.

"Still doesn't explain how you ended up being on the floor of Jorrvaskr though, does it?" Lydia huffed pulling me to my feet.
"Think we both know it involved wine, Lydia." I shrugged. "Maybe moon sugar?"
"Moon sugar?" Aela balked. "Surely not Freya?"
"No you're right, probably not. I mean only for very special occasions." I laughed as I sat myself down at the table and pulled a sweetroll over towards me. It had involved me in The Drunken Huntsman alone and moody, getting to Jorrvaskr was not something I remembered however.

"Tell me you didn't spend the night on the floor?" Vilkas' chucked, running a hand through a tangle of black hair as he jogged up the steps. He looked more relaxed than usual, the armour was replaced with a loose tunic and a pair of trousers and the usual grimace was replaced with a gentle smile which was a weird smile because Vilkas hated me just a little bit.
"I can neither confirm or deny that because I do not know myself."
"Well you didn't make it back to the keep I'll tell you that, or breezehome." Lydia scowled. "The guards let us know you were in the city and the last anyone had seen of you, you were throwing up into bushes."
"I apologise to the bushes." I grumbled as I stuffed cake into my mouth.
"Stop leaving me behind!"
"I won't again! I promise."
"You said that last time Freya and you... you died!" My eyes went wide at that and it felt like all the movement in the hall stopped.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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