Kaito x Reader - Only a birthday Pt.2

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After Kaito and I enjoyed the rest of the evening, eating, talking, laughing, we were really tired.

{Kaito}: "Oh god, look at the time."

{Y/N}: "I didn't realize it is already this late."

{Kaito}: "Yeah me neither, are you tired yet?"

{Y/N}: "Honestly, yes, I am very tired."

{Kaito}: "So, I guess I'll take the couch then, like always?"

{Y/N}: "Nah, we would have to clean up the mess first.. Let's leave that for tomorrow.. I think I have a mattress somewhere, let me go look."

He nodded and I went to look around my house. I was very tired so I couldn't really think straight, so it took a while to find this thing. Especially because I never use it.

I went back to the living room, with the mattress in my hands. 

{Y/N}: "Oh, good you put out the fire, thanks."

{Kaito}: "Of course, let me help you with that thing."

He went up to me and took the front side as we went upstairs to my room.

{Y/N}: "Ugh!"

{Kaito}: "Hey, don't fall!"

{Y/N}: "I try!"

We placed the mattress next to my bed.

{Y/N}: "Did you even bring any stuff for a sleepover?"

{Kaito}: "Ehh..not really."

He put one hand behind his head and smiled like an idiot.

{Y/N}: "Well, I still have a pullover from you here, but other than that.."

{Kaito}: "It's fine, better than nothing."

{Y/N}: "That's true, here you go."

I threw the piece of clothing at him, it landed on his face.

{Y/N}: "You look better than ever!"

{Kaito}: "Still better than you!"

I laughed.

{Y/N}: "You're an asshole!"

{Kaito}: "That's true! But you started!"

{Y/N}: "No! I only said the truth."

He went up closer to me and picked me up.

{Y/N}: "Hey! What do you think you're doing, Idiot!?"

He put on a dirty smile and threw me on the bed, tickling me.
I bursted out laughing, kicking the air with my legs.

{Y/N}: "Stopppp!!"

I tried fighting him off, but it didn't work.

{Kaito}: "Maybe don't mock me next time!"

{Y/N}: "How? With that face."

He tickled me even worse.

{Y/N}: "S-Stop, I can't breathe!"

{Kaito}: "OK, OK, I'll stop."

{Y/N}: "Thanks."

He threw a pillow at me.

{Y/N}: "Hey! Rude!"

{Kaito}: "Be glad it was only a pillow!"

{Y/N}: "bE gLaD iT wAs oNlY a PiLlOw."

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