Keebo x Reader - Happiness

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Gender: Neutral

Another day, huh..?

I wish this would end.

Only six hours of happiness everyday?

Fuck that.

I thought, as I put the needle into my skin.

I always used my doses when I saw him.

Luckily, he doesn't need something like that. Because you know, he's a robot.

Ah, it's starting..

I felt..happier.

I knew this isn't real, I am always reminded at night.

When my doses is over..

And I cry..and being depressed..

But these thoughts couldn't get to us during daytime.

I didn't care why it was like that, as long as I felt at least a little bit of hope.

Well then, let's go to school..

When I got there, almost everyone was happy. Most of the people were using their doses during school, because our grades will improve. Therefore, because of the circumstances, we don't get homework.

"Hey (Y/N)!"

"Hello Keebo!"

I said, cheering.

I hugged him, and then we were walking to the class room.

Everyone was happy, everything was fine.

--Lunch time--

"Let's go eat, (Y/N)"

"Yeah, let's go!"

After I got something to eat, we sat down at a table.

He can't eat, so it's a bit awkward.

"Hey (Y/N).."


"Do you take these pills too? You feel happy?"

"Sure I do!"


"Why look so sad! It's a wonderful day! Just like every other!"

"Y-Yeah..Every other.."'s wonderful..

Is it?

The day ended pretty fast. When I got home the sadness overcame me.

My doses is over..

And I felt my heart breaking once again.

I hate this! I hate it!

I don't.. Want to need pills or anything like that to feel happy! I want to be happy, but I wanna feel it on my own!

So I made a decision.

I want to live.

I want to be happy.

So I went to school the next day, without that stuff.

But it was hard. Very hard.

My hear feels broken for no reason.

"Well then..Let's go..?"

I made my way to school, everyone around me was happy.

"Hey (Y/N), huh? What's wrong? You look..sad?"

"Good guess. Yeah.. I uh.."

"You didn't know?"


"That's good!"

He smiled.


"Because I might get to see a real smile from you!"

I blushed.


I chuckled.

"It's cute.."

I looked away. I hope i'm not that bright red..

"Let's s-sit down.."

"Huh..? Are you okay?"

"Yeah! I'mPerfectlyFine!"

He kneeled down before me, placing a hand on my cheek.

"Will you hate me if I..?"

He didn't finish the sentence, as he came closer and closer to my face.

I closed my eyes and put my hands around his cold neck.

I leaned a bit forward and soon there was nothing left between us.

Not even air.

After a minute or so, I gently pulled away.

"You can feel something like love?"

"That's robophobic.."

I kissed him on his forehead.

"No it's not."

Yes..I felt happy.

I thought to myself, as I injected another doses.

Danganronpa x Reader Oneshots Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin