Gundham x Reader - Who you are

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Requested! LizDarkwolf

Gender: Neutral


I was devastated.

After Gundhams death, everything was even more shitty than before.

I thought we would go out together, but of course it was foolish to think that.

And honestly, if it weren't for his hamsters, I think I would have just been sitting around, being depressed.

But I can't leave these poor little things alone.

Still, this fucking sucks.

I know i have to keep living but that's easier said than done.

Especially.. when i found out that..

{Hajime}: "Hey, (Y/N), can you confirm what I just said?"

{Y/N}: "Hm? Oh yeah, sure."

{Sonia}: "But.. that doesn't make sense, that would mean he is the ma-"

{Y/N}: "Alive. It would mean he's alive."

Right, i know what else this would mean. But in the first place, he's alive. That's what matters now.

{Kazuichi}: "Does that mean we are voting now?"

{Y/N}: "We should."

I don't know why i was so confident that he wasn't dead, maybe i just couldn't handle his death and the last hope inside me screamed to believe he is alive right now, behind the curtains, pulling the strings.

{Hajime}: "Alright then."

For a moment i paused, i didn't wanted to die either. But.. it all seemed logical, so.. there should be no problem.

So we pressed the button.

{Monokuma}: "Puhuhuhu, your answer is..-"

{Y/N}: Wrong.

{Monokuma}: "Right!"

{Y/N} I took a deep breath, i am relieved.

{Sonia}: "W-Well- show yourself!"

Suddenly, white fog appeared. It quickly fainted and..

After an eternity, i heard Gundhams laugh again.

Even before i saw his shadow, a tear rolled down my cheek.
It was happiness, but also sadness. Because i remembered all the happy times, the laughs, all the love, all the memories.

But then again,

Will it ever happen again?

Will..we ever be happy again?

{Gundham}: "Fuhahahaha! Kneel in front of the devil, who rules hell!"

{Y/N}: "Gundham.."

{Gundham}: "You mortal FOOLS are smarter than expected, but it doesn't matter, because me, THE SUPREME OVERLORD OF ICE is sitting on the throne in this game."

{Y/N}: "But.. why?"

{Gundham}: "Do i really need a reason to be evil? Do you have a reason to not be?"

{Y/N}: "Did all this time mean nothing to you?"

{Gundham}: "That is in fact, correct. I don't care about you, or anyone else in this room, neither have i ever."

{Y/N}: I know a heart cannot literally break, but fuck. I think mine just did.

{Sonia}: "What about your hamsters?"

{Gunham}: "They will not fear, they cannot die, they are only in their temporary form, so there's no need to worry."

{Y/N}: I wanted to say something. I wanted to scream, to cry, to hope he is lying. But deep inside, i knew he wasn't.

{Y/N}: ".. But i love you.."

{Gundham}: "So?"

{Y/N}: Ouch.

{Sonia}: "Y/N, please let it go. I know it hurts.. it hurts me too. But.. he's gone."

{Y/N}: "Gone.." The Person i saw in him, is gone. All there is is.. pure evil and despair.

{Hajime}: "Gundham, you're still our friend, but you have to stop it."

This conversation had gone on for a while.

But i think everyone one by one understood that it was too late.

We couldn't save him.

*I* couldn't save him.

But maybe,

Just maybe,

When i wake up,

It will all be normal.

Because there was still a small chance this could happen.

Because this is not real. It never was.

But i guess.. the chance would have been bigger if..

I ever woke up in the first place.

Why can't i wake up? Why is everything black? That's not fair.. i did what i was supposed to.

Just like everyone else.

{???}: "You have to accept it. It's been years."

{Y/N}: "Years? Really..? I doesn't feel feel like it."

{???}: "Are you still sad?"

{Y/N}: "Of course. I love him."

{???}: "But he didn't love you. And he hurt your friends."

{Y/N}: "But that wasn't really real.."

{???}: "But he thought it was."

{Y/N}: "Listen, i know you're right. But i am not willing to accept it yet. Some day, maybe."

{???}: "The hope you have is incredible. Well, tell me if you need anything."

{Y/N}: "I will, Chiaki."

After all, maybe i am just an AI with an obsession, who forget it didn't existed in the first place.


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