Sonia x Reader - My Kingdom

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Gender: Female

"This Kingdom is mine."
I whispered into her ear.

"You're going down."

My parents and I left.

That's right. She doesn't stand a chance.

This Family.. Brings nothing but shame over our country.

How can someone even be an Ultimate Princess?

Ha! That's stupid!

Why am I even thinking about her so much?

I know she's my enemy, but no competition for me. So why?


I looked up.

"Yes, father?"

"I hope you know we will do anything to rule again."

"Yes, I know. I will do my very best too. As usual."

"Good. No hard feelings for other people, understood?"

"Without a doubt."

"Now go, get ready. You know that tomorrow is the a big day."

"Yes, father."

I went into my room. I picked out an outfit I thought would be okay for the party.

Appearance is everything after all.

Stand tall, look pretty, do your speech, smile, be friendly..

I did all I had to do and after dinner I went to bed.

My maid woke me up early in the morning.

"Good morning miss (L/N), can I help you with something?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

"As you say."

At least she leaves me alone when I want.

I looked at the outfit.

Well, don't screw this up. If you screw up today, you can bury yourself.

There's no way I would mess up.

The party started early in the evening.

I smiled, even though I didn't wanted to at all, answered questions and all that stuff.

And then, there she was.

And she looked..stunning.

I couldn't take my eyes of her.

She gave me a soft smile, and when I didn't smiled back, she just looked at the ground.

I went up to my father.

"Why are they here?"

I pointed at Sonia.

"It's important. It will show that we're professional and are not interested in any kind of fight. It doesn't matter if it's true or not."

I nodded.

Of course I didn't talk to her.

I went out for a while. I needed some air. Its already been a few hours.

"Hello, (Y/N)"

I looked up.

"Hello Sonia.."

"Can I sit next to you?"

"Sure. But don't do anything stupid."

We sat a few minutes in silence.

"You know, I've been thinking. I really hate this fight between our families..between you and me. How about..we rule together in the future?"

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