Nagito x Reader - Frozen

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Requested! twix241

Gender: Female

Brrr so cold..

I thought to myself, as I was walking to my "date" with Nagito.

Was it one? I don't know.

Could you see Ice skating as a date?

Why did I even say yes in the first place??

I sighed and looked up to the night sky.

"It's so beautiful.."

I whispered.

"Hey, look out!"

A familiar voice said. As soon as I heard it, my heart was beating a 100 times faster.

"N-Nagito! What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was thinking of picking you up. But I see you were already on your way."

He smiled at me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Ah, don't worry, at least we can walk the rest of the way together."


He reached his hand out to me and I gladly took it.

One step closer..

It was a 20 minute walk, but it felt like 5.

It was a cold and very beautiful night. The snow was glowing very nice in the dark.

"Ah look, we are already here!"

"Let's go inside then."

"Seems like here aren't a lot of people."

Yeah.. Luckily..

"Well, it's pretty late."

"Guess you're right."

Damn, how can he always smile?

"What's your shoe size?"

"Oh right, it's (Y/S/S)."

Ah shoot, I knew I forgot something. My wallet. I'm stupid. How could I possible forget this??

I think he noticed how I was searching for it, but didn't find anything.

"Don't worry, I pay!"

I nodded. Then we sat down on the stairs.

I tried to put my ice skates on, but I couldn't focus.

"Ah, let me help you!"

He kneeled down in front of me, and tied the laces together.

I looked away, there's no way I wasn't blushing like hell. And it's not from the cold.

"I-I just wanted to say thank you for the shoes. I will pay it b-back."

"There's no need, don't worry. It's a date after all."

"Y-Yes..y-you're right.."

"Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah! But the skates are really tight.."

"Sorry but they have to be! Nothing I could do about it! Guess it's a good thing I tied them."

"I-I guess.."

"So are you ready?"


Oh god, here we go..

It-It's not that hard, right? Just keep going and stuff..

Just like..when I was a kid..

"Can I let go? Can you stand?"

"Y-Yeah, of course."

Trying to act cool, huh..

"Sorry but..could you excuse me for a minute? I need to use the bathroom."

"Yeah no problem."

I said, smiling.


"YeAh nO PrOblEm"

I'm an idiot.

But I still tried to do my best.

Even tho I must look pretty stupid.

After a few minutes, which felt like hours, he was back.


Of course, in that moment, I fell.


"Whoa, there, are you alright?"

He helped me get up.

"I am..thanks.."

"Could it be that you don't really know how to skate?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't wanted to look stupid.."

He hugged me.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of! You could've just told me!"

He laughed.

"But i..didn't wanted to ruin"

"You worry too much. It's always fun with you."

I nodded.

"Come on, we only have an hour left, how about I teach you how to do it?"

"Y-Yes, I would like that."

"Great!, just one foot and the the other, you also need a little more swing.- see, it's not that hard! You're doing great!"

I don't know if I really did great, or if he just said it so I don't feel bad about myself.

Anyway, the last hour was really fun.

"Excuse me, Sir, ma'am, we're closing now. I must tell you to leave."

"Naww too bad. Seems like we don't have a choice. Are you coming?"

"I uh.. yeah."

Nagito and I left the ice.

He walked be back to my home. We didn't talk much, but I didn't mind.

"Do you wanna go somewhere else?"

He asked me.

Damn..I would love to..but I'm so tired from practice..

"You know, I would've loved that, but it's already so late.."

"I guess you're right. Then..can I take you out another time again?"

"R-Really??? I mean..yes! Absolutely."

His question made me smile.

I hugged him, and I didn't wanted to let go again either.

I stroked his arm down to his hand. And when he turned to leave, I didn't let go. I couldn't.


"I- I-"

I couldn't form any words. My whole vocabulary was gone.


He put his hands in mine, and before I knew, his lips were touching mine. Mine were frozen from the cold, but they felt a lot warmer after the kiss. But I couldn't tell if my body was frozen from the cold or because of him anymore.

"I pick you up tomorrow for school."

And with that, he left for real.

I touched my lips.

"....What a nice first kiss.."


Okay I feel like I could've done this better but oh well. Please consider to vote anyway! :)

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