Nagito x Reader - No Luck

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Requested! gabby_likes_anime_12

BTW you're mute.


This will be.. Not funny at all.

I thought, looking around the beach.

Everyone was already looking around the island. Well, except the passed out guy and the other one watching him.

Kinda creepy.

Why haven't I left already? You might wonder.

Same as always, no one gives me the chance to explain I can't fucking talk.

"Are you ignoring me?"

"Awww you're shy!"

"Why don't you talk? We don't bite!"

I wish I could just say "fuck all of you."

I thought, while sitting down next to the passed out guy.

{Nagito}: "Looks like someone is in a bad mood."

A white haired boy said. I think is name is Nagito.

He kneeled before me.

I rolled my eyes and looked up to the sky.

{Nagito}: "Ah well, sorry if I bothered you. I mean, I wouldn't wanna talk to someone like me neither."

He laughed.. Awkwardly.

I tried to ignore him.

{Nagito}: "I was just wondering why you didn't wander off yet. Perhaps.. You are scared?"

Does this dude ever shut the fuck up?

I slowly raised my hand and showed him my middle finger.

The only language everyone should understand.

{Nagito}: "Ah.."

After a few minutes I calmed myself, and remembered, that I have an extra function in my ugh, tablet.

I checked it and.. Oh, that's.. Actually kind of thoughtful.

Also because I'm sure not one person on this island speaks sign language. Not even that dumb ass bear.

I wrote "Fuck you and this salty water" and the little thing said it out loud.

Nagito looked over to me and smiled a little.

{Nagito}: "Now I get it."

I gave him a little smile back.

{Nagito}: "So what's your name?"

{Y/N}: "Y/N L/N I'm the Ultimate Y/U."

I got secondhand embarrassment of how the tablet said my name.

{Nagito}: "Sounds hopeful!"

At the same time he spoke those words, the other guy woke up.

Nagito greeted him, introduced us and then went around the island to search for the others.

{Souda}: "So you're mute!? Oh god! I'm sorry!"

I made a hand movement that it's alright and smiled at him before the three of us left.

This was exhausting..

{Nagito}: "Ah, are you tired?"

I nodded.

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