Kaito x Reader - Only a birthday Pt.3 (Last Part)

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I was asleep, and woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

Huh, Did I forget to mute it again?

I looked at the screen and saw Kaitos name.

I picked up.

{Y/N}: "What do you waaaant?"

{Kaito}: "Damn you seem to be sick."

{Y/N}: "No but you woke me up."

{Kaito}: "Sorrryyy! Actually, I'm not, but I will be at your house in half an hour."

{Y/N}: "What?? Why??"

{Kaito}: "Well you seemed to miss me a lot the last time I left, so I thought you might like the surprise!"

{Y/N}: "Well uh, I mean yes."

{Kaito}: "Good, see you then."

He hung up.

I needed a second a process what just happened before I started to panic.

Ek! I'm a mess!

I quickly got up, and went to take a shower.

Why is he coming over?? It's not even a special event or anything.

Well, at least not something I would be aware of.

My heart skipped a beat by the thought of him coming over.

After I finished the shower I picked out a nice outfit to wear and did my hair.

*Ding Dong*

{Y/N}: I jumped a bit at the sound of the doorbell.

"Wha-!? Already!?"

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

{Kaito}: "Hey there! Happy to see me?"

He asked, as we hugged each other.

{Y/N}: "Well, I guess you could say it was a bit boring without you."

{Kaito}: "Only a bit?? I didn't know you had any other cool friends beside me!"

{Y/N}: "Did you mean: 'bothersome' friends?"

{Kaito}: "Why are you so meeaaan! I came all the way to see you!"

{Y/N}: "True, so you must want something."

{Kaito}: "Rude! I just wanted to see you."

{Y/N}: "OK, now tell me the real reason."

{Kaito}: "....Did I mention you look really nice?"

{Y/N}: "....Kaito!"

{Kaito}: "alright, alright..the truth is,.. I will soon head to space again and I don't know for how long.. It could be.. For a really long time."

{Y/N}: At first I didn't know what to say. Honestly, I am sad but I would never tell him not to go.
I..have no right to do that.
Maybe having dreams to live with him was never my right in the first place.

"These are great news! I'm so happy for you!!"

{Kaito}: "..Yeah.. I am.. Really happy.."

He said with a sad smile.

{Y/N}: "Yeah I mean.. That's what you love, right?"

{Kaito}: "Yeah.."

There was a bit of awkward silence after that, before I spoke again.

{Y/N}: "Do you want tea or anything?"

{Kaito}: "..I'm fine, thank you.. I should go back again."

{Y/N}: "Huh!? But you were only here for two minutes!"

{Kaito}: "I know.. But the mission starts tomorrow, and I didn't wanted to tell you on the phone.."

{Y/N}: "I get it, it's fine! I really hope you're having a great time!"

I said with a bright smile.
Even if this smile wasn't honest at all.

{Kaito}: "Well then.. See you around."

{Y/N}: "Yeah! Don't forget to call me!"

{Kaito}: "I won't!"

After I closed the door I sat down and began to cry.
I should be happy for him but I can't.

Barely 15 minutes later, my doorbell rang again.

Great, I look miserable, who is it now?

When I opened the door, I couldn't believe who was standing there.

{Y/N}: "K..Kaito¿?"

{Kaito}: "I think.. I forgot something."

{Y/N}: "oh, sure, what are you missing?"

{Kaito}: "....My phone."

{Y/N}: "alright, let's look around."

We looked a while but didn't find it.

So I called his number.

{Y/N}: "uhm, Kaito, why is it ringing in your pocket?"

{Kaito}: "o-oh, weird, looks like I didn't lose it at all!"

{Y/N}: "Alright, now tell me what's really going on."

{Kaito}: "I.. I thought when I tell you about me going to space you would say something like: 'Don't go!' And then I could have said: 'alright I won't!' And then you could have said: 'Yay, I love you so much let's have a sleepover!'"

{Y/N}: "....But why would you want that?? Isn't this your dream?"

{Kaito}: "it was.. But if i am honest, it's lonely. I am lonely."

{Y/N}: "But, I am always there for you."

{Kaito}: "I know, that's why I don't want to go. I can't take the risk of losing you."

{Y/N}: "..You know that won't happen right? No matter how long you're gone, I am here."

I pulled him into a hug.

{Kaito}: "Even.."

{Y/N}: "Hm?"

{Kaito}: "Even when I tell you.. that i am in love with you?"

{Y/N}: My eyes widened in shock and a sudden rush of happiness run through my body.

He hugged me tighter.

I smiled.

{Y/N}: "of course! What question is that!"

{Kaito}: "So.. I didn't destroy anything right now?"

{Y/N}: "No you idiot! I am in love with you too!"

{Kaito}: "You're an idiot too.."

{Y/N}: "Yes!"

We stayed like this for a while and then went to bed.



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