Keebo x Reader - Scared of you

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Requested! ImJustEmmaLol

Gender: Neutral

{Inspired by Buddy Simulator 1984 - You and I & Scared of you}

Note: No, we are not a Yandere

--- {At trial grounds}

{Shuichi}: "So the murderer must be.."

{Y/N}: I felt all eyes on me and knew it was over.

{Y/N}: "..Oh, hey.
I guess I’m dead.
This is not what I had planned."

{Keebo}: "Wait.. (Y/N)? It was.. Really you? I don't get it..I thought you-"

{Kaito}: "(Y/N) is a robot after all I'm not that surprised."

{Keebo}: "That's robophobic."

{Himiko}: "Hey! They're still our friend, just like Keebo!"

{Kaito}: "Good then, your 'friend' killed someone!"

{Maki}: "Calm down idiots."

{Y/N}: I nodded.
"My goal was left unfulfilled.
I thought things were just swell."

{Keebo}: "But.. But why?"

{Y/N}: He looked like he would cry if he could, but I don't think our developers installed that. WHY would they? It's useless.

{Y/N}: "Is it weird to say that i feel like my artificial heart is thrown on the ground?"

I tried to smile a bit.

Yes, I feel something, and that's scary. Because I don't know how to handle it but they do.. That's why.. they're scary.

I looked around the room, I understood that we are not friends anymore, at least that's what I think. That's what their faces say.. To me.

{Y/N}: "I guess I could see how I’m the monster from your view.
But, to tell you the truth…
I’m just as scared of you."

{Maki}: "Scared of us.?"

{Y/N}: "Chasing you down that hall…
was not the best call. I'm Sorry Maki. In the end, they would've gotten me anyway, even if I killed you."

{Maki}: "It's fine."

{Y/N}: "This has all been so fun.
And just a tad bit frightening."

{Keebo}: "(Y/N).. What are you saying?"

{Y/N}: "I still remember when you woke me up."

{Keebo}: "..Me too, it was one of the best days ever. I weren't alone anymore but.. You were still cold and distant."

{Y/N}: "I wish I could undo time.
But, I’m just code made to satisfy."

{Keebo}: "...I get it now..  When I told you Kokichi was getting on my nerves and making fun of me, you thought you had to.."

{Y/N}: "..Yes."

{Keebo}: "(Y/N)..I should've known, i'm sorry."

{Y/N}: "That's correct but, to be honest,
I’m still afraid of you."

There was a silence all across the room, and I thought about Keebo.

You and I.. Me and You.. What are we going to do..

{Y/N}: "..Oh, I just realized what I have done.. A little late it seems to make things right."

{Monokuma}: "Alright! Enough with this emotional crap! It's punishment time!"

{Y/N}: "I guess this is goodbye my friends.
If that’s even what we are.
But, to tell you the truth…

I’d love to try again soon."

You and I.. Me and You, come to terms with the truth..

{Himiko}: "(Y/N)..aren't you sad? Aren't you scared?"

She said, trying not to cry herself.

{Y/N}: "I'm sorry, I'm not programmed to worry, so for now, there's no need to hurry back."

I smiled.

{Y/N}: "Oh and Keebo?"

{Keebo}: "Yes?"

{Y/N}: "You and I always together, me and you forever and ever. It's my fault we ended our story, but I think, there's no need to worry."

{Keebo}: "..You're right (Y/N), there's no need to worry, we will see each other very soon again."

(Y/N) (L/N) is found guilty

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