Rantaro x Reader - Clothes

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Requested! hoodtao

Gender: Neutral


{Y/N}: "What do you think about this shirt?"

{Rantaro}: "It looks cool, but i don't like the colour."

{Y/N}: "But..- You know what, on second thought, you're right."

He turned around and picked another shirt from the store.

{Rantaro}: "I like this one."

{Y/N}: "Hmm.. alright, yeah, i try it on."

It's cute.

{Y/N}: "So?"

{Rantaro}: "Yes, that's the one. Take it."

He said with a smile.

{Y/N}: "Okay, Okay, i'll take it."

I bought the piece of clothing and we left the store.

{Y/N}: "Oh no."

As we stepped outside it began to rain. Heavily.

{Y/N}: "I don't have an umbrella."

{Rantaro}: "Me neither.."

{Y/N}: "So we just.. run?"

He took my hand and began to walk fast.

Like..really fast.

{Y/N}: "I'm gonna slip."

{Rantaro}: "No you won't."

{Y/N}: "How would you even- Hey!"

He randomly stopped walking and i bumped into him.

{Y/N}: "Oof."

{Rantaro}: "I'm sorry. No wait, maybe not."

{Y/N}: "Very sweet. Let's get inside now please."

{Rantaro}: "Of course."

He opened the door for me and i went in.

{Y/N}: "Ew, i'm wet to the bone."

{Rantaro}: "You should have walked faster."

{Y/N}: "You know exactly i don't exercise, how am i supposed to walk fast?"

{Rantaro}: "Maybe this is your sign to start."

{Y/N}: "Eeehhh no."

{Rantaro}: "What if i just start running next time?"

{Y/N}: "Guess i'll just die."

I'm joking of course.

{Rantaro}: "So i just basically saved your life?"

He said with a wide smile.

{Y/N}: "You wish."

I grinned while collecting some clothes from my cabinet, rolling my eyes.

{Y/N}: "Will you turn around?"

{Rantaro}: "I don't wanna turn around."

Okay i can play that game too.

So i sat down on the bed with crossed legs.

{Y/N}: "You know, i don't think i can take these wet clothes of myself.."

He turned red.

{Rantaro}: "Uhm.. i mean.. alright."

{Y/N}: Uhm what??

He slowly came closer to me, paused for a moment and took my jacket off.

{Rantaro}: "I'll just.. put it next to the window.."

I nodded.

He came back and took my shoes and socks off.

{Rantaro}: "..Okay.. i think you'd rather take the rest of yourself.."

He turned around.

{Y/N}: "A.. Actually.."

I paused for a second. I mean, i liked him. And.. i kinda liked the mood that is in here right now.

He looked at me and shyly nodded.

So he slowly took my shirt and pants off.

{Rantaro}: "Alright, Alright, i won't take anymore off, seems like the rest is dry."

{Y/N}: "Yes.."

He looked me in my eyes and came very close to my face.

But in the next second he stood up.

{Rantaro}: "I should probably change too, i'm very cold."

{Y/N}: "Of course.."

{Rantaro}: "I'll come back in a second."

He left and i put on some comfort clothes, i thought about what just happened.

I really did that? Aaahhh

How will i ever think about something else when i look at him now?

After ten to fifteen minutes of slightly freaking out, someone knocked on my door.

{Y/N}: "Come in."

{Rantaro}: "Sorry i took so long."

{Y/N}: "That's not a problem, at all."

{Rantaro}: "Thanks."

{Y/N}: "Since when are you so polite?"

{Rantaro}: "Hey what do you mean? I'm always polite."

{Y/N}: "Meh."

I sat down on the bed again.

I could see a small blush on his cheeks.

I thought to myself, if we already came this far..

{Y/N}: "Hey.. uhm.. come here."

I took his hand and pulled him closer to me.

{Y/N}: "Listen.. I.. don't have the guts to just kiss you but i have feelings for you but it's totally fine of you don't feel the same way."

{Rantaro}: "Well, it would be kind of weird if you didn't after.."

{Y/N}: "Yes.."

{Rantaro}: "Well, it's your lucky day."

{Y/N}: "Hm?"

{Rantaro}: "I love you too. I love you. More than anything else."

My stupid ass couldn't stop smiling.

{Rantaro}: "Can i kiss you?"

{Y/N}: "Thank you, for asking first. Of course you can."

{Rantaro}: "I would never do anything without your consent."

He stroked my cheek and kissed me.

{Rantaro}: "So.. you're my partner now, right?"

{Y/N}: "Nah i'm not really into relationships."

He looked at me like he had seen a ghost.

{Y/N}: "I'm kidding you idiot."

{Rantaro}: "God, don't scare me like that."

{Y/N}: "Trust me, it will happen again."

{Rantaro}: "..We'll see about that."

{Y/N}: "Yeah, Yeah, whatever.. let's cuddle!"

{Rantaro}: "I was hoping for that."

We smiles like some dumb kids getting candy and enjoyed the rest of the evening.


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