Chihiro x Reader - I don't mind

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Requested! IkoriX3

Gender: Neutral

{Before some of you dumb fucks write "Chihiro is not a girl." I know that. Read the fucking one-shot first.}


{Chihiro}: "Hey, (Y/N), are you alright?"

The little girl asked me, as I was looking down at her.

{Y/N}: "Oh, yes, of course."

I answered, feeling a bit uneasy. There was something I didn't know, and it bothered me. Especially because I liked her so much.

{Chihiro}: "Let's go to class then!"

{Y/N}: "After you."

She smiled and went in.

The day wasn't really something worth talking about, but the feeling didn't go away. Neither the uneasy one, neither the.. Other one.

{Y/N}: Will I ever have the gut to tell her?

I don't want to ruin anything.

Maybe I shouldn't do something at all.

No, that's not like me, I have to.

It will be simple and fast, and.. She's so sweet, I don't see why she wouldn't talk to me after a rejection too.

So the next day, I spotted her sitting under a tree.

{Y/N}: "Chihiro."

{Chihiro}: "Ah, (Y/N), you're finally here."

{Y/N}: "I have to tell you something."

{Chihiro}: "Good, I wanted to talk to you too, you can go first if you want."

She had a light smile on her lips.

{Y/N}: "I like you."

{Chihiro}: "Well, I like you too of course!"

{Y/N}: "No.. Not like that.. The other direction.."

I said a bit nervous, playing with my hands, trying not to look her directly in the eyes.

She blushed and her eyes widened, I think she was shaking a tiny little bit too.

{Chihiro}: "T-That's-"

{Y/N}: "I understand if you don't feel the same way, I just wanted to get it off my chest."

{Chihiro}: "I- I need to go, I'm sorry."

{Y/N}: No, I did not yell after her, no I did not go after her either.

Maybe I should have.

But I couldn't, because I felt so stupid.

Well, I'm glad I saw her at class at least.

I tried talking to Chihiro again during lunch break.

{Y/N}: "Chihiro, can we talk, please?"

{Chihiro}: ".. Okay, s-sure."

We went to a spot with less people.

{Y/N}: "I wanted to say sorry, it must have been overwhelming."

{Chihiro}: "That's not it! It's not that I don't like you, but.."

{Y/N}: "But..?"

{Chihiro}: "U-Uhm.. I don't think you will like me anymore if I tell you.."

{Y/N}: "Why wouldn't I?"

{Chihiro}: "Because I'm not a girl

{Y/N}: "Ooohhh, that's all? I thought it was something bad, like you are a mass murderer or something."

{Chihiro}: "Wait, so you don't mind? That I'm a boy?"

{Y/N}: "Of course not! I love you just the way you are."

I fuzzed through his hair and smiled.

{Y/N}: "Thanks for telling me, your secret is safe."

{Chihiro}: "Thank you! I feel relieved now."

{Y/N}: "So what's the story you dress like a girl?"

{Chihiro}: "..I don't feel accepted being like this in my weak body and stuff.."

{Y/N}: "Looks like I have to give you some confidence!"

{Chihiro}: "R-Really? Would you help me??"

{Y/N}: "No need to question, of course."

{Chihiro}: "Wow! Thanks again!!"

He said with much excitement.
I smiled at him and pulled Chihiro into a hug.

After a minute of silence he began to speak again.

{Chihiro}: "H-Hey, (Y/N)?"

{Y/N}: "Hm?"

{Chihiro}: "As I said, I like you a lot t-too, s-so, when I gain enough confidence, I want to be your be your boyfriend!"

I was a bit flustered as I heard those words, but at the same time very happy.

{Y/N}: "I would love that."

I answered, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

{Chihiro}: "Can you.. Can you do that again some time?"

{Y/N}: "The kiss? Anytime you want."

He giggled a bit.

{Chihiro}: "Let's eat before class starts again."

{Y/N}: "Sounds good to me!"


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