Kokichi x Reader - Love Sickness (Pregame)

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Requested! Kokichis

Gender: Female ain_hoe

He loves me..He doesn't love me..He loves me..

"He loves me!"

I said happily, as I ripped the blooms from The flower.

Of course, this is what I expected. Why wouldn't he? I was always there for him, so I shouldn't be scared to confess.

Even tho he ignored my last few phone calls..but I bet there is a valid reason!

This little guy wouldn't ignore me!

Ah, there he is.

"Hey Kokichi!"

I said with a bride smile.

Oh? Who's that?

"O-Oh, h-hey (Y/N).."

I scanned this person up and down, why is he talking to someone else than me??

"A-Ah that's right..this is.."

I don't care who this is. I just know I don't like her.

"Nice to meet you!"

Oh god, she wants to shake my hand?

Alright, I have to act cool.

"The pleasure is on my side."

"I-I am glad y-you two get along.."


"Are you coming? We have class any minute now."


Thank god this hoe isn't in my class.

"So you've been ignoring my calls."

Don't tell me it's because of..

"S-Sorry, I was hanging out with.."

"That girl from earlier..?"

He nodded.


"Well are you free tonight? I thought we could watch a movie or something."

He..He's looking away?

"I- I can't."

Are you serious?

"I understand."

This isn't right..This isn't real!

This bitch..  He belongs to me!


Haha..haha.. Don't worry darling. Soon everything will be like it was before.

I left school earlier. I can't waste time now.

Lucky me is living alone, so no one can disturb me.

"Let's see..how do we do this?"

Maybe I should watch her routine first..
But that would take too much time..

I guess it should be fine to waste one or two days. I can't make mistakes.

This last days, were really hard. But I planned everything perfectly.

Or..so I thought..

"H-Hey wh-what are you doing?? Come on, put that thing down! Nooo!"

I did it.

Time to get rid of the body..

"Everything..will..be..just like-"

There where places we would go..at midnight..

"What did you do???"

There were secrets that nobody else would know..

"Are you crazy or something??"

I'm the one who made you laugh...who made you feel..

"I'm not the crazy one! I- She was taking you away from me!"

I'm not Sorry I'm not her..

"What?? Because we are friends, I can't talk to someone else??"

I thought that you belonged to me.

"Kokichi wait! Let me explain! I won't hurt you!"

By the way..who's that girl..living my life?..

"G-Get away from me!"

Kokichis perspective:


My head hurts..

I slowly began opening my eyes.

W-What? Where am I?


I tried getting up, but I can't. Something holds me down. Did someone kidnap me??

What am I supposed to do now??

Suddenly I heard footsteps. This is bad.

I-I don't wanna..

I don't wanna..die.

"Oh~? Are you awake?"

I heard that voice before. Many times actually. Almost every day of my life.

When I heard it, I mostly felt happiness. Because..(Y/N)..was my only friend.

But now..

It's not happiness anymore. It's fear.

My eyes shot wide open.

What will she do to me?

"Naww~ you're so adorable."

She said, as she was touching my face.

"W-What are you gonna do to me?"

I almost had no voice.

"Hmmm~? I wouldn't hurt you,  told you before didn't I~? But you refused to listen..My sweet Kokichi~"

"B-But why did you do all this??"

"Oh darling, like I said, she was taking you away from me. You didn't even speak to me anymore. So I had to make her disappear, so everything could be go back to normal. Unfortunately, you caught me. So I had to change the plan."

"I'm Sorry. I s-shouldn't have ignored y-you. I didn't m-mean t-to.."

"Oh, it's alright..now we can be together forever, can we not?"

I just nodded. I was too scared to say anything against it.

Then she decided to make the next move and kissed me.

It's not like I could hate her all of the sudden. We known each other since childhood. And she was the only one that ever really accepted me. And..therefore it was my mistake for making her upset.

So I kissed her back, and hoped, that she would eventually calm down.

But she didn't. Ever.

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