Seiko x Reader - Happy Pills

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"Seiko calm down!"

I screamed at her as she was chasing her childhood 'friend'.

If you could call her that.

How can you be such a bitch just because she can't eat candy?

I always hated her.

I always told her that she doesn't need her. It's not worth it.

But she wouldn't listen.

I guess I wasn't quite good enough to be her only friend, huh.


I covered my face with my hands as she broke the window.

I must confess, I was a little scared.

But I didn't run away just like the others.

She looked me in the eye for a second, but then went down the corridor as she heard a noise.


I screamed once more after her.

Of course she wouldn't listen.

I don't care if this stupid girl dies she's chasing, I just don't want that anything happens to her.

I run after Seiko even tho I'm quite slow.


As I said that, I was kissing the floor.


And then I saw her.

I pulled myself together and marched in her direction.

She cornered this girl that was frozen.

I put myself between the two and shoved the candy girl in the room behind her.

As I did it, Seiko scratched me.

As soon as I closed the door I fell to the floor.

It's bleeding pretty bad...

I looked up to my friend, who was becoming normal again.



I let out a scream of pain as she touched the wound.

"I-I'm so sorry!! H-Here, t-take this!"

"I..I can't take these..pills.."

Shit am I bleeding out?

"W-W-Why?? You said you were my friend, you always-"

"It's n-not like I don't want to, i-i can't."

"Y-You don't is your forbidden activity?"

I slightly nodded.

"Omg! We need to stop your bleeding!"

She looked around, and then took of her jacked.

"D-Don't, you're gonna ruin it.."

I gave her a weak smile.

"It-It's just a jacked! You're life is way more important!"

"Ah, it hurts!"

"I know, I know, here, hold my h-hand."

I gladly took the offer.

"I-I'm finished."

I didn't let go of her hand.


Instead, I pulled down her mask and gave her a light kiss.

"Thank you."

I said.

"I-I uh.."


Before I could say anything else, I fell asleep. I didn't know of it was because of the blood loss, or because it was 'nighttime'.

But when I woke up, the first thing I saw was one of my worst nightmares.


She's dead?

She hung on the wall, with a knife in the stomach.

This..This can't be..

Of course I cried.

I cried so much. Like never before.

She was gone..


I noticed that her jacked was laying around my shoulders.

I hold it tight as I cried my eyes out.

I kissed it and put it on.

I was determent.

I will kill this bastard who did this. This bastard who made us did this.

For her.

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