Chapter 4

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"Rose, Dimitri, you said that the two of you had somethings that you needed to talk to your mother and I about."

That was one thing that had stunned me about the discussion that Roza and I had with Abe and Janine at the ski lodge. Janine had told me to call her mom, she had actually INSISTED upon it. Just as Abe had insisted that I call him dad, Abe or baba. But he had left the choice of which to use up to me. (daddy)

I remember the smile on my Roza's face when her parents had said that to me. She had absolutely GLOWED with her pride in her parents and her pride for me at their words.

"Um..." Roza turned to look at me as I intertwined our fingers and nodded at her.

"When Mitya and I were dragged back into the cave we found out some very disturbing and truly disgusting news."

"Is that what you wanted to talk to us about?" Janine asked.

"Yes, it is actually."

"All right, you can tell us anything Rosemarie, you too Dimitri. We will always be here for you, for the both of you. Won't we Abe?"

"Yes, of course we will."

"Mom, baba, when Dimitri and I were forced back into the caves we found out who was behind the attack on the academy and why." (daddy)

"Who?" Abe asked as he and Janine bot sat up even straighter, backs straight and shoulders stiff. It was like I could see the wheels in Abe's mind turning with plans of revenge already.

"Um..." Roza looked at me beseechingly and I knew that she wanted me to be the one to tell them this part. So I took a deep breath.

"Apparently Natasha Ozera persuaded my old mentor Galina Smirnov to attack the academy. Natasha wanted me turned and Roza killed. But Galina gave orders for the both of us to be turned instead, because she wanted the both of us added to the army that she is building."

"What?!!! Why?!!!" A livid Guardian Janine Hathaway screamed.

"Tasha wanted me dead so that she would have a clear field at Mitya. As you told me mom, she told Mitya that if he would become her guardian. That she would give him the family that he has always longed so desperately for. But he refused her offer because we love each other. And even after we leave the academy, we ARE going to be together, regardless of what other people say, want or think."

"Abe, you find this galla do you understand me?!!!! But before you kill her, I want to have a little meeting with her myself!!" Janine spat her voice filled with venom towards Natasha. (bitch)

"Sending strigoi after MY child, MY baby, to kill her just because she wants Rosemarie's soul mate. That is going to be that delusional galla very last fucking mistake. We are going to end her, and it is going to be as slow and painful as 'humanly' possible." (bitch's)

Abe tried to calm Janine.

"Abe, don't you dare try to fucking placate me. This fucking galla stepped way too far over the fucking line. Her jealousy of Rosemarie made her try to kill MY daughter and turn MY son in law. There is not a single fucking way that she lives after that!!!! Do you hear me?!!! No! Fucking!! way!!!" (bitch)

I figured everyone in the whole building could hear her, but I certainly hope not. Especially since she is planning the murder of a royal moroi.

"I not only hear you Janine, but I agree with you. Don't you worry, I will find her, and we will deal with her. Nobody threatens my family, NOBODY. You above anyone else in this world knows that."

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