Chapter 19

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"Where is she buried?"

"Back home in Scotland."

"We should all go visit her grave someday and introduce her to the children."

"I would like that very much Rosemarie; I would like that very much indeed." Janine sniffled.


I was so glad that lyubov' moya was finally getting to know her family just like she should have always been allowed to know them. (my love)

That night at dinner Roza, Lissa, Mia and my little sestra Vika all made plans to meet up in our suite the next day to get ready for graduation. (sister)

"Rose are you nervous about tomorrow?" Janine asked her daughter at our family dinner that night.

"Yeah, a little. I'm worried about how everyone will react when I don't make my promise. You know that the majority of the royals all think that there are only two reasons for we dhampir to even exist. To serve them in one of two ways."

"Yes, I know." She sighed sadly as she shook her head slowly.

"But I don't want you to pay them one bit of attention Rosemarie. You have made your decision, you have decided to be a wife, a mother, go to college and become a doctor. You have decided to make a better way of life for your children, Dimitri, and yourself. The only people that matter are those of us here in this room. So, I want you to walk off that stage with a smile on your face and your head held high."

"I will mom. I just don't want those nasty, vicious, hateful royals to say something to Lissa, Chris, Mia or Addie that will hurt them."

"Rose, I know that I speak for Chris, Mia and Adrian when I say this. Anyone that has something negative that they want to say about our family, can kiss my blanking foot. Their opinions on our family mean absolutely nothing to me. And if they actually think that a dhampir has to be a guardian to be even slightly respected. Then they are as dumb as a bag of blanking rocks and they can go jump off a blanking cliff headfirst into a dry river bed."

I was in shock at Lissa's words, but I was very proud of the way that she was willing to stand up for and defend our family. And the way that she said blanking instead of yeblya, in front of the children, was very much appreciated by not only myself, but also Roza moya, my oldest sestra Karo and all the grandparents and the prababushka in the room. (fucking, my, sister, great grandmother)

"Thanks, Liss." Lyubov' moya answered. (my love)

Lissa just smiled and nodded.

By the end of the night it was like we had all always been a family and that we had never spent even so much as a day apart.


I really hope that Mitya likes the dress that I chose to wear today. I already had my graduation gown on over my dress before I walked out of our bedroom. So, he wouldn't be able to see the dress until after graduation, and I couldn't wait to see his reaction to it. I mean I know that he LOVES this dress, but I can't wait to see his reaction to my wearing it to graduation.

Lissa, Chris, Eddie, Mia, and I all took our seats and waited for our names to be called.

"Princess Vasilisa Dragomir." Alberta called.

As Lissa walked up to the stage Alberta continued, "Princess Dragomir will be pair guarded by graduating novice Eddie Castile and senior Guardian Serena Thompson." I smiled, cheered, jumped up and down in my chair and applauded like a crazy person.

Murmurs flew around the gym like a flock of hummingbirds in a tornado and I could hear some of them plain as day. But I kept the smile on my face which probably confused them.

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