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Roza moya and I have been married for five years and we now have four beautiful and amazing children and another on the way. We have also graduated, two years ago, from college as valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively. Which had shocked our fellow graduates that year. Having a husband and wife who were the top two ranked in the class has probably never happened anywhere in the world before after all. (my)

My family, my Roza's family, Lissa, Christian, Mia, Adrian, his wife Sydney Sage, Aunt Tati, Nathan, Daniella, Alberta and Kirova were all at our graduation. And Alberta face timed the whole thing to our friends back at St. Vladimir's Academy.

We have one more year of medical school and we are still on track to once again be valedictorian and salutatorian once again, only in reverse this time.

Of course, we didn't get through all of college and most of medical school without me having to tell a few guys off. In our first year in college alone no less than a dozen guys tried to 'talk' to my wife. But she politely referred them to me, her husband.

One didn't care that she was married, he told her that he didn't want her permanently. He just wanted to fuck her for a few weeks and then I could have her back, of course that was before he ever saw me. But him and his attitude pissed me off, making me break his orbital bone in three different places in response. After having to deal with Jesse Zeklos and his ilk it didn't bother Roza moya because unfortunately she was used to it. But it did bother me because he reminded me far too much of Randall. (my)

As for Jesse Zeklos, he has continued to donate at least a quarter of a million dollars. To the dhampir orphans fund at St. Vladimir's Academy every year like clockwork, on graduation day.

Alberta has retired from St. Vladimir's Academy and took a lower ranked position with less responsibilities at St. Basil's. So, she also lives here in Russia, near us and her grandchildren as she calls all of our children, now. And given the fact that Alberta is the one who raised Roza moya, neither Abe nor Janine mind sharing the title of grandparent with her. (my)


Roza and I now have seven children and have both been practicing at our chosen professions for a while now. It took me two years just to identify and isolate the one gene difference between the moroi and the dhampir that made procreation possible.

So last year we started putting the serum that I created into use. So far, we have had a one hundred percent success rate. One of the couples among our first volunteers had been Yuri and Celeste. Who now had three children, the first was a set of twins. Which shocked us all. And two years later, they had another little girl.

Each time a dhampir couple found out that they were pregnant I would receive a bottle of champagne, scotch or bourbon from them. Which means that I have enough champagne, scotch and bourbon to last me a lifetime, and I am completely fine with that. Roza and I had had to have someone build us an underground wine cellar, in both of our houses, in order to store all of the champagne, scotch and bourbon in.

As for Roza moya practice, she treats mostly guardians for PTSD, but she did also have a very large moroi and human clientele. Court had commissioned my wife to council all guardians the world over. So, she sat with her patients from all over Europe in her office here in Baia. And then once a month, she would go to court for a week for her American guardian, moroi and human clients. That week I would take off of work and accompany her with our children. So, just as I had told our friends before graduation, none of us missed anything important in each other's lives. (my)


All of our guardian friends from St. Vladimir's have since retired and become parents. Most of them thanks to the Belikov Serum. Jean and Stan are the happy parents of three children. Emil and Liz, Dr. Oldenzki, didn't need my help since he is a dhampir and she is a moroi. But they now have four children. Tamera and her longtime boyfriend Boyd have two children, Serena is a 'widowed' mother of two because her live in boyfriend was killed a few years ago in a car accident. The list just goes on and on and on and on and on.

The first pure bred dhampir's graduated from the academies two years ago this past May. And they all had not only the dhampir reflexes, hearing, sight, strength and so on. But they were all enhanced just as my beautiful, amazing and super intelligent wife had predicted.

And according to the reports that I have been getting, the strigoi are terrified of them. Because I also managed to isolate the gene that is manipulated to become a strigoi. And I manipulated it even more, in order to prevent the pure bred dhampir's from ever being able to become strigoi.

So Roza and I knew that we had left the strigoi fighting in very good and capable hands. We knew that they didn't need us anymore or our children at all, which we were very thankful for.

Seven years ago, while we were at court, Aunt Tati's will had been read. In it she had asked for Roza to take over her position as queen, but that if she didn't want to. That she was to name the next queen who would reign in her stead. But if she were to ever change her mind and wanted to become queen, then she would be able to do so no matter who the reigning queen was.

So, not wanting to be queen, she chose Lissa as the new queen. Because she knew that Lissa would do what was right by all of our people and not just the royals. She also knew that if she ever did decide to take her place as queen that Lissa would happily step aside. And she knew that because they had discussed it at great length beforehand.


Lyubov' moya and I have been married for the last sixty years and we have seven children. Four biological children and our triplets. And I have just had my eighty-sixth birthday party last month. Surrounded by all of our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and even a few great great grandchildren along with our nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews, friends and their children. (my love)

Lyubov' moya and I have had a wonderful life together with our family and friends. And although we have both lost all of our parents, babushka and paternal figures over the years. As well as a lot of friends, far too many friends as a matter of a fact, but we still lived a happy life together. (my love, grandmother)

I can feel my time growing nearer with every passing day and I know that Roza moya does too. A seventy-nine-year-old shadow kissed person is unheard of in our world. Mark made it to fifty-eight before the land of the dead was able to reclaim him. So Roza moya is going to set another world record in our world. She has gotten very good at that over the years since I met her. (my, my)

But with every day that we have left, we will continue to love each other, our family and our friends. And spend every second that we have left together and with all of our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren. And I knew, I don't know how I knew, but I knew. That no matter which one of us goes first, Roza moya or I, the other won't be very far behind. (my)

Roza moya and I have not spent one single night apart since we came to Russia. Even when she gave birth to our children, I stayed in the hospital right by her side every single time. So, I know that if I go first, she won't let me get very far from her. And if she goes first, I won't be far behind her either. We refuse to be separated from each other for very long or very far, even by death itself. (my)

I love angel moya even more today than I did the day she first fell into my arms in Portland and the day that I married her. Actually, if I am being honest, we have loved each other more and more with every passing day. And that is something that will not ever change, something that we won't allow to change. Something that not every couple can make claim to. (my)


Whatever may come (complete)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt