Chapter 10

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"That is up to Kirova." Roza answered with a sigh and a one shouldered shrug.

"Well, we can't go see her with the children all asleep. So how about I call her and ask her to meet us here?"

Roza looked at me we turned to look at the triplets then turned back to Alberta and nodded.


Ring... Ring... Ring.


"Ellen it's Alberta. I need you to meet me in room 226 of the guardian dorms ASAP."

"Is something wrong?" I could hear in the back ground that she was already moving around.

"I'm not sure yet, that is all up to you."

"All right, I'm on my way." She hung up then.


"What did she say?"

"She asked if there was anything wrong. When I told her that that all depended on her she said that she was on her way. So she should be here soon."

I turned and looked at Mitya, "how do you want this to go?"

"Honestly Roza, I hate for you to have to leave this close to your graduation. But if that is our only option..."

"Yeah, me too."

"Do you mind if I ask where you got the diapers and tunics that the children were wearing when I got here?" Alberta asked.

Dimitri and I looked at each other and laughed quietly not wanting to disturb our children's sleep.

"Well, let's just say that you are down one bed sheet Alberta." I answered.

"Ahhh. Well, at least it went to a good cause."

We all laughed before Dimitri said, "yes, yes it did. You should have seen Roza moya Alberta. As she was giving me instructions on how to make those items."

"How did you know how to do it Rose?"

"When Lissa and I were little, and she wanted new diapers for her dolls, but it was already after dark. Rhea would fold and cut up old bed sheets and towels. I just thought that if it worked for Lissa's dolls then it should work for a little while for my children."

"What about the tunics?"

"Same thing, she told me how to fold and cut to make them."

"And how did you know how to do that Rose?"

"Well, I remember seeing a movie that was set way back when and they had a long bolt of cloth that they cut a hole in the top and then hand stitched the sides together. But since we didn't have a needle and thread, I figured that we could use safety pins to close the sides. And it all worked just like I thought that it would."


"She is a genius Roza moya." (my)

"Yes, yes she most certainly is." Alberta agreed whole heartedly with me at how amazing the love and light of my life is.

"Did their mother tell you, what her name was?"

"No, and we didn't even think to ask." Lyubov' moya answered sadly. (my love)

I knew that she was upset about what had been done to the biological mother of our children because I was just as upset about it as she was. Those no good dirty rotten disgusting zhopa blya royals all seem to think that they are better than everyone else in our world, ad everyone else on the whole yeblya planet. And yet they do der'mo like that to dhampir simply because they can get away with it. They never give a thought of should they do it or what it does to the dhampirs in question. They care absolutely nothing whatsoever about anyone else but themselves, the ublyudki. (ass fucking, fucking, shit, bastards)

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