Chapter 5

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"Did you forget that Belikov is also a dhampir? But then, like you said earlier, no one who is not a royal matters. So with Belikov also being a dhampir what makes him so much better and more special than the rest of his race, his family and the non-royal moroi?"

She scoffed. "No, of course I didn't forget. But he is of royal blood, and when he marries me, he will become even more of a royal just as he deserves to be. He is already half Ivashkov, so after we get married, he will be able to take his rightful place as my husband and the true royal that he is. And I will make sure that the Ivashkov's all recognize him as a royal to their line. Which makes him better than all the other dhampir and the non-royals."

'As yeblya if.' As my beautiful soul mate would say. There had never been a hope in ad of me marrying Tasha. And the way that she truly sees everyone that is not a royal made me truly yeblya nauseous. (fucking, hell, fucking)

Abe just shook his head. "Well, if you consider Belikov a royal then his family also are. So why is it that they supposedly don't matter exactly?"

"They are all blood whores; his mother is a blood whore; his sisters are all blood whores, and his crazy ass old grandmother is also a fucking blood whore. Even his little niece is a blood whore in the making, if she isn't one already."

That yeblya pissed me off big time. I mean for trakhayetsya sake Zoya is barely two yeblya years old now. (fucking, fucks, fucking)

Abe shook his head at Natasha. He was just as disgusted and aghast as Roza and I are at what Natasha has been saying. The stupid grebanaya suka. (fucking bitch)

"And what about the other dhampir and supposed non-royals who are actually the children of royals? Because, as I said, if Belikov is a royal then so are ALL of his sisters and their children."

"As I said, they don't matter none of them matter, only my Dimka and I matter. No one else in the world matters except for my Dimka, myself and our future children."

"You are completely psychotic Natasha."

"No I'm not, only my Dimka, our children and I matter!!!! YOU and your family don't even matter, just my Dimka and I matter!!!" Abe belted Natasha again after that last crack about his family not mattering. Which I did not and could not ever blame him for.

'I wonder if she is just trying to make him angry so he will hurry up and put her zhopa out of her misery.' I thought to myself.

But then another thought quickly occurred to me. 'No, she wouldn't do that. Because she is still dumb enough to think that she is going to be able to get herself out of this, somehow.'

"You would do well to watch your kahrolasi mouth where MY family are concerned Natasha. Very well indeed." He said as he wiped more of Natasha's blood from his hand and onto a multi colored handkerchief. (fucking)

"Now, tell me, did you know Belikov before he met Rose?"


"For how long?"

"Since he was a young boy."

"HOW young exactly?"

"He was eight years old the very first time that I ever saw him."

"And how old were you?"


"So you are over twice his age. Is that correct?"



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