Chapter 22

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Abe cleared his throat as he, Ivanna, Pavel, Sergei, and another man that I didn't know all walked into the room. As a result, Roza reluctantly pulled away from our kiss.

I guess it's a good thing that Abe arrived when he did because I was getting ready to rip lyubov' moya clothes off. And that would not have been the best impression to make on those that had just joined us. ESPECIALLY not her father and uncles. (my loves)

"Ahhh, here you two are. You were right kizim, this is the perfect place for my torun to grow up in." (my daughter, grandchildren)

Laying a hand on the shoulder of the unknown man with him Abe made the introductions. "Rose, Dimitri this is Wilhelm. He is my property inspector for this part of Siberia. Wilhelm this is my beautiful daughter Rose Hathaway Mazur and her soon to be husband Dimitri Belikov."

Roza and I shook hands with Wilhelm telling him that it was nice to meet him and thanking him for coming on such short notice. I saw the way that lyubov' moya had smiled when Abe had introduced me as her future husband. And I was SOOO glad that the thought of us being married made her that happy. (my love)

"While Wilhelm does his work how about the two of you show me around? And Uncles Pavel and Sergei can check on setting up a security system and wards for you. Just in case you do get this place."

So that is exactly what we did.

Every time that Roza told Abe what she wanted to do somewhere on the property he would look at me over her head at me and smile. We showed him around and Roza told him her plans for over forty-five minutes. We went room by room as Roza gave Abe and me and play by play on what she wanted, where she wanted it and even what color she wanted. Her vision for this house was amazing, she intended that this house be an actual home for us and our children.

When we made it to the study, she asked Abe, "baba, do you know those biggg antique looking globes that you can open up and there is a bar inside them? I don't know what they are actually called, because I have only ever seen them on tv. But I want one for this room, the study and for the library. With not just our kids but with Pasha, Zo and Sonja's baby around. I don't want to take the chance of having a full, in sight, bar. But I know that occasionally Mitya and I will need a drink. And having it in here, in the study and in the library and then making those rooms off limits and keeping the door locked. Then the kids will never know that it's here. Or I guess we could just teach them from the beginning not to drink until it is age appropriate. And put locks on the actual globes because I don't really like the idea of having a room in their own home that they are not allowed to be in." (daddy)

"Yes, I agree with you Roza moya, let's just do it that way. Because if we do it that way then, even when they are away from us, they'll know not to drink until they get old enough." (my)

She nodded at me.

"Yes Rose, I know exactly what you are talking about. I have one in each of the offices, studies and libraries in each of my homes."

"Well that is what I want here and in Moscow. I don't want the kids exposed to alcohol until they are much older. But as I said there will be times when Mitya and I will both need a good stiff drink."

Abe nodded his understanding to her.

"So, you really like this place kizim?" (my daughter)

"Oh yes baba, I just love it. And I think that the children would love living and growing up here. They would have all kinds of happy memories and adventures here. There is plenty of room here for them to be able to run and play like children are supposed to be able to do when they are young." (daddy)

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