Chapter 13

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Dimitri showed Adrian how to hold little Evan so as to not hurt him. When Dimitri took a step back leaving Evan in Adrian's arms. Adrian looked up at the obviously extremely proud parents and with tears in his eyes he smiled.

"Thank you, both of you. Thank you so much for trusting me to hold them." He whispered.

"You are a part of our family Uncle Addie there is nothing to thank us for. Plus, we know that you would never hurt them on purpose." Rose assured him with a smile.

We all five passed the children around making connections with all of them and establishing lifelong relationships with them.

"I can't believe that I am finally an aunt but that I will never get to see them again after graduation."

"That's not true Lissa." Dimitri assured not just me but all of us really.

"What do you mean?"

"We are not leaving our world we are just moving to Russia. You can all come to visit whenever you want to. And we will come visit all of you whenever we can. We have actually already planned to spend at least a few weeks to a month at court every summer. We even thought that all of us could take part, or all, of that time and take a destination vacation together, if you would all like to that is. None of us are ever going to miss the important events in each other's lives. And when we get married, we fully expect that every single one of you will be in attendance. Hell, you will probably all be in the wedding part in one way or another. And you will need to make sure that a certain group of people have the time off to attend as well."

"Just give me a list and they will all be there, and they will be there as guests not as guardians or whatever else." I told the both of them with a smile. I just hoped that I could hold up to that promise. I mean you never know what could happen one second into the future much less possibly months or years.

"Thank you, Lissa."

"You are both more than welcome. Also, you do realize that with these three being the first children of the family. That the five of us are going to spoil them absolutely rotten, don't you? Not to mention what your families will both do."

"We kind of figured that you all would and so will they." Dimitri laughed.

"Also, we were kind of hoping that you would all be all of their godmothers and godfathers. As well as any and all children that we add to our family in the future."

I know that I wasn't the only one who gasped because I could hear the same from all of the other four new godparents.

"Are you serious? You want all of us to be godparents to all three of them and any other children that arrive in the future?" I asked just to make sure that I heard him right.

"Of course, we are sure, you guys are all like siblings to Roza moya so there is no one else that we would rather choose. We both know that if anything were to ever happen to us that the five of you would always make sure that all of our children stayed together and are well taken care of." (my)

I just happened to catch Mia wiping away tears in my peripheral vision. But the guys were all just as shocked, thrilled and stunned as she and I were.

None of us even had to think twice, "yes. I would be honored, yes." We all five answered at exactly the same time and in exactly the same way before we all, including Rose and Dimitri, laughed.

While Eddie held Esmey he looked back and forth between her and Rose and Dimitri a few times before he said to them. "They all three look just like the two of you, they could actually even pass for your own biological children."

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