Chapter 28

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"Well, thankfully you have them now. As for the children, since I'm not a mother yet I can only imagine. I don't think that when Christian and I finally become parents that I will ever be able to leave them for more than a few hours at a time either. So, I just can't imagine what it did to your parents having to be separated from you for almost your whole life."

"Yeah, it's really been great. And me too, I hope and pray to GOD that I never have to experience something like that myself from the paternal side."

"I'm glad for you and I agree." She sniffled and I knew what she was thinking about. At first, I didn't have my parents, I only had hers. Now I have mine and she doesn't have her parents or her brother either one.

"You know, they would be so proud if you would call them if you needed anything. If you just need to talk to a paternal figure, if you need advice, if you need a pick me up, just anything. They want to be there for you too Liss, just like your family were there for me when I needed them. They want to do that for all of you guys, they told me so."

"Really?" She croaked.

I smiled. "Yes, really. I realize that Adrian still has his parents and Mia still has her dad. But my parents want to be there for all of you guys if you will all just let them. They want to help you all in any way that they can. They love you guys too."

"I love them too, and I know that both Eddie and Christian need paternal figures to talk to sometime. Maybe I should let them know that your parents want to be that for all of us."

"Yes, I think that you really should. It would make both of my parents really happy to help any of you guys in any way that you may need at any time."

"Ok, I'll be sure to let them know."

I tried steering the conversation back to happier topics.

"Oh hey, guess what the kids have been doing the last few days?!"

"What?!" She knew very well what I was doing and why I was doing it. So, she played right along with me.

"They have been turning over for about a month now, and now they are trying to learn to crawl. They get their little hands under them but every time that they try to get their little legs pulled up under them, they collapse before they can crawl."

"Awww, I bet they are so precious I can't wait to see them again."

"They are. Mama Olena said that when Dimitri and his sisters started trying to crawl. That she would put an ice cube on the floor for them to chase around. She said it seemed to help them learn to crawl much faster. You know, get their minds off of the fact that they are trying to crawl and on to chasing the block of ice instead. She said that was the way that babushka taught her to crawl as well. So, it's kind like a Belikov family tradition." I said with a smile. (grandmother)

We both laughed.

"Huh, I never would have even thought of that. I may try it when the time comes for Christian and me to have a family of our own."

"Yea, I thought that I might try it soon if they don't start crawling on their own soon."

"I just can't wait to see you all again."

Before I could say anything, else there was a knock at the door.

"Liss, I hate to go but someone is knocking on my front door."

"Its fine go see who it is, and I will get started on this list."

"Thanks, Lissa."

"You're welcome, talk to you again soon sis."

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