Chapter 9

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After doing the same with all of the small pieces I looked to her for more instructions.

"All right, hand me one of the triangles and two safety pins."

Doing so, I watched as she turned those triangles into diapers.

I was filled with shock and awe, completely and totally amazed at my woman.

'How in the ad did she learn how to do that?' I thought to myself. She must have seen the bumfuzzled look on my face because she laughed and answered my unasked question. (hell)

"When Lissa and I were little I hated playing with dolls, but she loved it. So when she was convinced that her dolls needed new diapers this is what Rhea would do. Only she would use old sheets and towels that she kept just for this very reason. While Lissa played with her dolls, I would stand against the wall playing guardian Auntie Rose."

"How old were you?"

"Five, six, seven, eight and nine years old."

A guardian through and through even at such a young age. But now her children come first. Her words and actions didn't even shock me anymore because this amazing woman had been an unofficial guardian a ad of a lot longer than I had been a sanctioned guardian. (hell)

I had only been a sanctioned guardian for seven years, and even though I was those same seven years older than she is. She had been an unofficial guardian for thirteen years, almost twice as long as I had. And once again, I was amazed at just how astonishing that the love of my life truly is.

"Wow. Ok, what about the other half of the sheet?"

She gave me more instructions on how to fold and cut and at the end of it. We had three little tunics, one for each of the children. It's true that boys don't wear tunics anymore, but hey we had to make do with what we had. At least for now.

"Do you have any milk?"

"No, I ran out yesterday and the cafeteria is already closed for the day."

She sighed. "Then there is no getting around this. Would you please call and ask Alberta to come over here?"

Again, I quickly did as I was asked.

For her never having probably even seen much less held a real baby before today, the love of my life was doing a chert good job of being a mother. She had all three of the children diapers and clothes made out of a bed sheet and safety pins and now she was getting them food. She is absolutely stupendously amazing. (damn)

Ring... Ring... Ring.


"Alberta, this is Dimitri. Can you come to my room? Roza and I need to talk to you."

"Yes of course, let me put my shoes back on and I'll be right there."

"Thank you." With that I disconnected the call.

"Now, while she is on her way. I have thought about what you said, and I think that you are right, moving to Baia is the best option for us. Not only is it much closer to both of our families, but it will also allow us to be a part of our own world if and when we want to be."

I smiled at her and then leaned down and really thanked her, with a kiss, for several minutes. "Thank you Roza. Thank you so much detka." (baby)

"Mitya, I would do anything for you and our children. You have got to know that by now."

"I do Roza, I do. I have never doubted that you would do anything for me and now for our children."

Just then, before she could respond, there was a knock on my door. I opened the door just far enough to be sure that it was Alberta and that she was indeed alone, before I opened it all the way and let her inside.

Whatever may come (complete)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin