Chapter 12

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"Do you want to know who their moroi father is?"

"No, not unless it becomes medically necessary that we know. And we don't want anyone else to ever know either. We know it was a group of twenty something year old royals, but she didn't tell us who they were. I'm not even sure that she knew their names or of which family that they were from."

"I understand. I will have these samples run and tested for everything and when the results come back, I will let you know. Although they should be back by early tomorrow afternoon if you just want to drop by after classes yourself."

"Thank you so much Dr. Oldenzki we really appreciate everything that you are doing for us and our children." Roza moya said. (my)

"You're welcome Rose. I just hope that they do not become as accident and injury prone as you are." She also teased my woman.

"We can all only hope and pray." Roza moya laughed with a shake of her head. (my)

After that, the good doctor departed and angel moya said, "I guess that means that it is time to call in the aunties and the uncles." (my)

"It seems to be." Was my answer to my Roza's statement.

Roza sent out a mass text to Lissa, Christian, Mia, Eddie, and Adrian. I knew that she was worried about how her friends would react. Not only to our children, but also to my decision to not be a guardian anymore, as well as her decision not to become a sanctioned guardian at all.

"Please come to guest housing room 312 ASAP." Was the mass text that she sent out.

Within fifteen minutes everyone had arrived. We had heard them coming from down the hall, they were all running which made them sound like a herd of horses or buffalo or something else like that. I think the text that Roza had sent had scared them.

Roza and I had laid the children in their new beds and sat the baby monitor on the table at the end of the sofa next to my elbow. Elijah's bed had sheets and bumper pads with 'Thomas the tank engine' on them. Evan's bed clothes had characters from 'Finding Nemo' on them. And Esmey's were Disney princess's, which was appropriate I thought given the fact that she is our little princess.

"What is going on Rose? Why are you and Dimitri in guest housing? Is everything all right?" Lissa rushed out her voice filled with curiosity, concern, and a little fear.

"We have somethings that we need to tell all of you, so everyone please sit down and relax."

After everyone was seated, she tried to begin our story but was interrupted before she could even begin.

"Little Dhampir what is going on with your aura? Yours too cuz." He asked after he'd studied my own aura for a minute.

"What do you mean Adrian?"

"Well, both of your auras are so bright and yellowish orange that it's like looking into the sun. It's almost blinding. Even the shadow kissed ring of black, around your aura Little Dhampir, is much much much lighter. It's kind of like a very light gray now, it's not even as dark as the clouds during a quick rain shower on a sunny day."

"I don't know; what does that color signify?"

"Happiness. HUGE, massive amounts of happiness even. I mean like out of this world happiness."

Roza and I smiled at each other. As Roza ran her hand over my thigh and I had my arm around her shoulders while drawing non-existent patterns on her arm underneath my hand.

"That is the reason that we asked all of you to come here. Earlier today Mitya and I were out taking a walk in the forest. Just spending some good quality alone time together when Mason appeared to me again."

Whatever may come (complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora