Chapter 3: Candy Wrapper

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"That's it for today," Professor Royce, the Psychology lecturer, announced. "You're all free to go!"

Immediately, the students started to stir. Chairs were pushed back, books were closed, and bags were unzipped.

"Don't forget to read chapters three and four before the lecture next week," the professor tried, probably knowing that at least half of the students had stopped listening already.

While Robin meticulously sorted through his notes, Tyler shoved all his books and papers into his backpack in one scrambled mess. "I need to get going," he announced with a sigh, looking at the clock on the classroom wall. "I have a hospital appointment and my aunt is waiting to pick me up." He grabbed his crutches and in one skillful move he slung on the backpack and stood up.

"Are you... alright?" Robin asked, the mere mention of hospitals bringing back an onslaught of flashbacks. He could feel pricks in his arms and smell sterile surfaces.

"I mean..." Tyler looked down toward his leg. "...not really." He lifted his gaze toward Robin, eyes flickering between sadness and mischief. "But I'll live," he concluded, voice more chipper."I just have a lot of hospital appointments, like check-ups and physiotherapy and stuff like that."

Robin just nodded, trying to prevent his knees from buckling. He knew all about having a lot of hospital appointments.

"I had another surgery a few weeks ago," Tyler continued, the words coming out fast and stilted. It was almost as if he was rambling out of nervousness.  "After the first one I mean, where they... cut it off." He stopped to breathe, his voice once again gaining traction and slowing down. "Anyway, they fixed some stuff with my leg, so I can use a prosthetic eventually. That's why I missed the first few weeks of classes."

"So that's why you... need me," Robin replied, not quite sure how to respond as he wished Tyler didn't have to go through all this but at the same time they wouldn't have met otherwise.

"That's why I need you, Robby!" Tyler flashed a million-dollar smile, apparently having regained his confidence again. He glanced at the clock again. "Oh shit, I really need to head out, but I'll see you on Thursday!"

As Tyler hobbled out of the classroom, Robin was left with a goofy smile on his lips, following the bobbing blond curls with his eyes.

"Hey." Des was suddenly by Robin's side, nudging his side with her elbow. "Remember me? Or have you already replaced me as your best friend?"

"What?" Robin was startled by the question. Had his fascination with Tyler been that obvious? "No one could replace you, Des."

It was true. She was certainly one of a kind. His confidant and protector. The only person in his life who had ever stood up to his mother. Des, who had lived next door to Robin his whole life, had insisted Robin should be allowed to tag along to her place after school to study a few times a week. After Des had staged a sit-in on their front porch for an entire weekend, Liza had been forced to give in.

Most of the time, they had not studied at all at Des' place. Instead, they had watched all the TV shows Robin had never experienced and eaten all the food he'd never tasted.

"Good, I was starting to worry." Des ruffled Robin's hair lovingly, making straight dark tresses of hair fall over his face. "Let's get going then. My next class starts soon."

They walked out of the classroom together. And they walked right into the claws of Liza Erie.

"Robin," she greeted her son, with what could be interpreted as a smile on her lips. "I figured I would find you here."

"Mom!" Robin exclaimed, startled by her sudden presence.

Her gaze turned toward Des and the smile-like grimace disappeared completely. "Desirée."

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