Chapter 13: Rainbow-Sprinkled Cupcakes

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Every surface of his apartment sparkled. Robin hadn't been able to sleep, so he'd been up in the wee hours of the morning cleaning every inch of it in preparation for his date. Of course, Tyler had been in his apartment before, but this felt different. Very different.

Since he got home from school, he'd showered and brushed his teeth. Twice. Just to be sure. He'd also spent an unreasonable long time deciding which clothes to wear. Eventually, he'd settled for his Quiz Bowl t-shirt and his favorite pair of slacks. It was the clothes he felt most comfortable in. He'd even considered the colors and fit of his underwear. Although the possibility of Tyler seeing them almost made him have a panic attack.

Robin looked at his digital clock on the nightstand. 4.37 pm. More than two hours remained until Tyler, who had a physiotherapy appointment after school, would come by.

He needed to fill the remaining hours with something, or he would surely go mad from nervousness by the time Tyler arrived. While aimlessly looking around the room, trying to find something to distract himself with, his gaze fell upon the rainbow bag. He'd put it next to his nightstand, perhaps as a signal to Ty that he wasn't ashamed of their connection. And well... it did contain condoms. Robin wasn't sure if he was ready for activities where those items were needed, but he also wasn't sure how experienced Tyler was or what he would expect.

It would be a lie to say that he hadn't thought about such activities. A lot. Lewd thoughts that made his cheeks blossom and nether-regions tighten.

Coming out seemed like enough sexual progress for him to handle this week though.

Flustered by the oncoming barrage of emotions, Robin reached for the bag and pulled out a well-thumbed pamphlet. He remembered something the pink-haired girl had said as she handed it to him. Something that might help him feel a bit more at home in his newfound identity.

The information he looked for was printed on the back. "LGBTQ Community Support Meetings every Wednesday at 5 p.m. Open for everyone."

About twenty minutes later Robin walked up to a classroom door with a rainbow flag attached to it. He took a deep breath while preparing to open it.

"It will be fine, Robin," Des assured him, who he'd convinced to tag along since tackling this unknown social environment by himself seemed impossible. "I'm sure everyone will be nice to you. And if they're not..." She smiled mischievously. "Then I'll kick their asses!"

Robin nodded because he did have full faith that she would do just that--Des was certainly the person to have next to you in battle--and decisively put his hand on the handle.

The classroom was about half full with chattering and laughing young adults. Most people sat in the front two rows. They all seemed to know each other already. Robin pointed toward two empty spots toward the back, where it felt like he could safely hide. Des obliged his wish to blend into the woodwork while feeling out the crowd.

He pulled his hoodie over his head to protect himself, from what he didn't quite know. His fingers tapped nervously on the desk and his palms were sticky from sweat.

A calming hand was put on top of his own. "Relax," Des encouraged him. "There's nothing dangerous here."

Robin looked around. It didn't look that dangerous. The participants looked like... well regular students. Backpacks, sneakers, and messy hair. Robin wasn't sure why he'd expected anything else. He'd pictured the meeting as the congregation of a tribe in which he didn't belong, but he actually appeared to fit right in.

A few more people poured in. Most of them seemed to know each other already. No one paid much attention to him and Des.

Not until a cheery voice piped up behind them. "Mr. Erie!"

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