Chapter 27: Birthday Cake

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Still drying his hair, Robin walked out of the shower. After having spent all of Saturday feeling like his head was about to explode and his tongue was made out of sandpaper--side effects of the Halloween party the night before--Sunday morning felt like a breeze. Despite nursing his first-ever hang-over, he and Tyler--who wasn't suffering the same ill effects--had together created a quiz game with notes from their courses and used it to study for their upcoming exams.

"Hey," Tyler greeted him, letting his eyes admire Robin's only-underwear-clad body. When Robin jumped into the shower, Tyler had been asleep but now he seemed semi-awake as he sat on the bed--dressed only in his blue pajama pants with ice cream cones on, which he kept at Robin's place to avoid sleeping in jeans but also not exposing his leg fully every time they went to bed--with the cat blanket wrapped around him and twiddled with his phone. "So..." Nervously, Ty played with the blanket's tail. "My aunt wanted me to invite you over later today. There's like a celebration thing at their house..."

With the towel on top of his head, Robin sat down on the bed. "What are they celebrating?" he asked curiously.

"Me..." Ty mumbled, still focused on the knitted tail. "It's my birthday next week, so Donna decided we should celebrate now since I'll be in Halifax then."

That earned him a light slap on the shoulder. "It's your birthday soon? Why haven't you told me this before?"

"I'm telling you now..." Ty shrugged slightly as if the whole birthday thing had completely slipped his mind. Knowing him, perhaps it had. Or he'd just hadn't been sure how to tell Robin. Since their relationship was so new, it wasn't obvious how milestones such as birthdays should be handled yet. "I didn't want to make a big deal of it."

"But I should get you a gift..." Robin protested. "I'm your boyfriend, it's part of the deal."

"I don't need a gift." Ty pressed a kiss against Robin's temple. "I have you."

"I'll get you something when you're back," Robin conceded, still unable to let go of the gift issue. He leaned over again and slathered Ty's face in kisses. Thousand upon thousands of kisses. "How old are you turning anyway?" he asked because this felt like something he should know about his boyfriend. It had just never come up before.

"Twenty," Ty replied while playfully trying to shield himself from the kissing assault. "Finally not a teen anymore. You?"

"Turning twenty next summer," Robby replied, bracing himself from a twinge of sadness from remembering how his last birthday had been celebrated; he and his mom, eating cake in silence. So far from the jubilant family celebration Ty described.

"Such an immature teenage baby," Ty teased and put his arms around Robin's waist. With a quick flip, he wrestled his boyfriend onto the bed. "Not an adult like me."

Pinning Robin's arms above his head, Ty slowly bent down for a kiss. The friction as their crotches rubbed together ignited urges that definitely weren't immature.

"Donna told me to invite some friends," Tyler said as he teasingly removed his lips from Robin's. "So maybe we could invite Des as well and I'm thinking of calling Sarah to invite her and her brother Hernan. Maybe it's time I stop hiding from them. If you're alright with that, of course."

Robin nodded, eager to partake in more kisses. "It's fine by me," he said. "Invite whoever you want." He strained upward but the hold on his hands prevented him from reaching Ty's lips. He groaned in frustration. "When do we have to be there?"

Hopefully not until after they had engaged in more kissing, and maybe other stuff as well.

Tyler smiled and pressed his body close, letting Robin enjoy the kiss he'd fought for. "Not until three this afternoon," he replied with a wicked glint in his eyes. "So we have time to celebrate just the two of us first." His hand traveled down Robin's hips and pulled on the waistband of his underwear. "Which is good, because I think I know what I want as an early birthday gift." Naughty lips started to kiss a trail across Robin's chest, belly button, and down below.

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