Chapter 11: Marshmallow Kisses

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Gravel and dust covered the field and on each end stood a rickety wooden soccer goal frame. A fence of dilapidated boards enclosed the area. Confused, Robin looked upon the place where Ty had taken him.

"This is where I used to go," Tyler explained as he hobbled by Robin. "Every time I was fed up with my mom, which I was a lot. We lived just around the corner. I ran around and kicked a soccer ball until it was pitch black, waiting for my mom to come and get me. But she never did. I guess that's why I became quite good at soccer."

"You were on a scholarship?" Robin couldn't stop the question and he realized too late that it must be a sensitive subject.

Tyler nodded and put his crutches in front of him to move toward the field. "I was," he replied, a sharp edge to his voice. "I fought so hard to get that damn scholarship... Because I didn't want my aunt and uncle to have to worry about me, after everything they had done for me and my sister. But I guess they have to worry about me now anyway."

With a sigh, Tyler continued his trek toward the gravel-covered turf. Despite using crutches his stride was fast and Robin had to jog to keep up. He wondered why Ty had taken him here when memories haunted him around every corner.

Illuminated by surrounding streetlights, an old soccer ball lay in the middle of the field. Tyler set a course toward it with a determined look. Once he reached his goal, he poked the ball with one of his crutches. A satisfied look spread across his face when he discovered that it wasn't completely deflated.

"Kick it!" he told Robin.

Robin had never participated in sports. His mom didn't allow him such freedoms, not even in high school when his, no longer mysterious, illness had released its hold. It probably was for the best anyway, since he tended to trip on stairs and sidewalks.

"I.. can't," he mumbled.

Once again using the crutch, Tyler rolled the ball toward Robin. "Just try to kick it into the fence," he said encouragingly. "That's what I always did when I was frustrated. Over and over. It helps."

The fence seemed impossibly far away. Although it was probably not more than thirty feet. Robin hesitated. He didn't want to make a fool out of himself. Not in front of Tyler.

"Just make sure to hit with your ankle or side of the foot. Not the toes." Tyler instructed and pointed toward the correct areas on Robin's foot with his crutch. It seemed he had become very accustomed to using the metal rods as extra appendages.

Robin did as Tyler told him. Because he couldn't refuse anything Tyler suggested. He backed off a few feet and then ran toward the ball. He kicked with all his might.

The ball flew toward the fence with surprising speed. The rattle when it hit the boards was very satisfying.

"Wooohooo!" Tyler exclaimed and reached his arms in the air, which made one of his crutches fall. Robin quickly picked it up for him before he ran to fetch the ball for another kick.

Robin kicked the ball over and over. Tyler had been right. It did help. The frustration toward his mother was expressed in furious kicks, which were followed by rattling noise. The noise became louder as the kicks became more confident. Meanwhile, Tyler cheered on enthusiastically with cheers and claps.

Luckily, there weren't any houses nearby. Because it was nearing midnight and disturbance from soccer-playing boys would probably not be appreciated by sleepy neighbors.

After an especially powerful kick, the ball bounced sideways and rolled slowly toward where Tyler stood. Robin halted his chase and waited to see what Tyler would do. A crutch soon stopped the ball's progress and Tyler gazed at the round object for a moment. A gaze filled with broken dreams and impossible longing.

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