Chapter 19: Snack Carrots

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Balancing two trays filled with burgers and fries, Robin made his way through the narrow aisles at Rose's diner, while Tyler followed close behind--chewing on a pair of immediately snatched french fries.

"Hi, Robin." Des smiled cheerily at the sight of her friend and busted out an even bigger smile when she realized Robin wasn't alone. "And, hi Ty!"

Tyler waved with one of his crutches as his mouth was still stuffed with french fries. "Hello," Robin mumbled as he focused on not dropping the precariously balanced trays. Carrying two trays simultaneously had not been a wise choice.

Textbooks, notepads, and post-it notes in an array of colors filled Des' table. Helpfully, she moved things aside so that Robin could put down his load of burgers and fries.

"Why are you studying here?" Robin asked as he slid the trays down on the table--relieved he hadn't dropped anything and embarrassed himself in front of the whole diner.

"Pax kept trying to eat my textbooks," Des replied and pointed at a chewed-up page. "I needed to get some bunny-free time to focus." She took a bite of her jackfruit burger--the diner had a surprisingly well-rounded vegetarian menu. "And I was hungry," she added.

"But the carrots are for him I assume?" Robin pointed at the carrot sticks Des had chosen as a side dish.

"Have to feed him something else than textbooks," Des replied. "I'll put them in my pocket when I leave." She patted the belly pocket on her neon green shorts overalls, which were coupled with a striped belly shirt underneath.

"Hold these, Robby." Tyler had made his way to the table and handed Robin his crutches so he could squeeze into the booth. Starting to become accustomed to crutch logistics, Robin grabbed the handles and let Tyler use his shoulder as support when sitting down.

"Oh, carrot sticks!" Tyler scooted down the couch and immediately grabbed a handful of orange vegetables.

"Those are for Pax," Robin protested meekly, knowing nothing could stand in the way of Tyler's appetite.

"Pax can share his carrots," Des insisted. "I do feed him other stuff too, you know. So go ahead, Tyler."

Tyler immediately helped himself to another handful of carrots--apparently, his unquenchable appetite didn't just extend to sweets--while Robin took place next to him on the couch and arranged their trays, moving Tyler's double bacon cheeseburger over to the other boy, while he kept the avocado chicken burger for himself. Although Robin suspected Tyler would eat some of it as well. He had, after all, mumbled something about the ginormous burger in front of him being too small.

"Ty, what do you want to drink? I'm going to get a soda for myself and I can grab one for you too. Coke?" Robin realized neither of them had a drink and got up from the couch, just as he had sat down.

"Fanta, please," Ty replied, mouth full of french fries. If Robin wanted to partake in any of the salty fried snacks, he would have to hurry back. Tyler fired off an adorable smile that made Robin want to grab Tyler and kiss him. But the current setting didn't seem appropriate for such actions, so he reluctantly refrained.

While filling up the soda cups by the fountain, Robin looked toward Des and Tyler in the booth. The sight of them laughing together, wrapped up in friendly conversation, made him elated. With them in his life, he didn't feel alone. With them in his life, he had a family.

As Robin returned, he put down the glass of Fanta in front of Ty, who immediately grabbed it and gulped about half the content. While Ty was busy with his drink, Robin took the opportunity to grab the last remaining fries. It seemed he would have to get used to fending off Tyler for food. But it was a sacrifice Robin gladly made to spend time with the blonde boy. Food seemed unimportant compared to the needs that were met by his delightful company.

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