Chapter 26: Fruit Punch

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As Batman and Robin made their way across campus, the superhero sidekick felt eyes on him once again. He turned suddenly.

Was that a flash from a camera? Although, since the campus was filled with dressed-up students, people taking pictures wasn't really out of the ordinary.

"Are you coming, Robby?" Tyler asked, noticing that his boyfriend was trailing behind.

"Yeah, I just thought I saw something." He stared into the blackness around the corner where the flash had come from.

Tyler made his way to Robin and let a hand flip through his boyfriend's hair. "Is that lemonade getting to you already, cutie?" he asked.

Maybe that was it. It was just the bubbly drink swirling through his veins, messing with his mind. It sounded like a plausible solution. "I'm sure it was nothing," he surmised. "Let's continue." He stole a quick kiss from Tyler's citrus-flavored lips, while hidden in the shadow between streetlights.

A few minutes later, Robin entered his first college party.

The residence hall was filled with blinking pumpkins, laughing witches, and swaying ghosts. Music pumped loudly and chatter was in the air. The onslaught of impressions overwhelmed Robin, who had, after all, never been to a party before. Discreetly, to not call unwanted attention upon themselves, he put his hand on Tyler's to let the warm tingles fill his body with courage.

"We can leave whenever you want," Tyler whispered, nudging a crutch against Robin's ankle.

"Let's at least try it out first," Robin said, fighting the urge to run back to his room. His confidence from the bubbly lemonade appeared to have washed away.

The next moment, he was attacked by a mysterious furry creature. "Robin! You made it!" Des enveloped her friend in a hug. A long stripey tail wagged behind her and pointy ears stuck out of her red hair. Judging by the patchwork nature of the costume, she'd made it herself.

"Are you a raccoon?" Robin asked, freeing himself from the fluffy embrace.

"I'm a lemur, dummy," she replied with a crinkled nose. "They have much longer tails than raccoons." To display how long her tail was she hung it around her neck like a scarf.

Robin really should have studied up on the differences between lemurs and raccoons before attending his first-ever party. It was obviously crucial knowledge for such events.

Soon Des had gone into a tangent about lemurs, telling him everything about their habits when it came to eating, sleeping, and mating. So at least he didn't have to study those things.

"So... what are you supposed to be?" she asked, looking down at Robin's green-clad stature.

"I'm Robin," he answered.

"I know your name..." Des sighed and twirled her tail in her hand.

"And I'm Batman," Tyler growled. His impression of the disguised defender of Gotham was quite good.

"Oh, of course," Des chuckled. "I get it now."

"Tyler Caster!" a high-pitched voice cried out behind them. "I haven't seen you since-" As Robin turned around to figure out who the voice belonged to, he saw the Batman to his Robin disappear into a sea of costumed people. Spirited away by a blast from his past.

"A couple's costume?" Des didn't even seem to have noticed Tyler's disappearance. "You two are getting serious."

Robin shrugged, but inside he danced. Because he'd never been as serious about anything in his life as this relationship. Not even Jeopardy or Quiz Bowl. And the fact that Tyler had procured their matching costumes perhaps indicated that he felt the same.

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