Chapter 17: Popsicle

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The day went by in a haze for Robin. A haze that tasted like strawberries, smelled like lemon shampoo, and felt like diving into pudding.

He didn't see Tyler during the school day since they didn't have any of the same classes on Thursdays. But he thought of him. He thought of Tyler constantly. He relived every kiss, every touch, and every nudge from the night before over and over. More than once he was completely stumped when the teacher asked him a question. He even accidentally answered "pop tart" once. Which had warranted some laughs and weird looks.

Underneath the haze laid a tinge of worry about what would happen next. He and Tyler had said they would see each other after school but no exact plans had been made. And he had no clue what the state of their relationship was at this point.

Then there was also the lingering worry about his mother.

But all worries flew away when Robin stepped out of his last class of the day and found Tyler sitting on a bench in the hallway outside. He was, of course, sucking on a lollipop. Robin knew Tyler's last class ended about 45 mins earlier and additionally that class was on the other end of campus, which was a long way to traverse on crutches. But Tyler had traveled there anyway and then waited patiently. All for Robin.

The blonde curls were just as messy as that morning and the lollipops-flavored lips just as lush. Robin couldn't quite believe that he had kissed those lips mere hours earlier. It was like a beautiful fantasy.

"Hey." Robin walked up to Tyler, eager but nervous. He wasn't quite sure how to start this conversation. "Are you waiting for me?"

It was a dumb question. Robin knew that. Tyler knew no one else in that class.

A sweet smile flashed at him. A smile that made Robin's insides turn into goo. A smile that told him that Ty had no regrets whatsoever about the night before.

If they weren't in such a public spot Robin would have kissed Tyler right there. He really really wanted to. He wanted to kiss Tyler deeply and passionately, without a care in the world about who was watching.

But he couldn't quite escape the worry about who may be watching. Perhaps because his mother had watched his whole life.

"It's Thursday, we always meet up to study on Thursday," Ty said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "So I figured we would... study."

Robin wanted to do a lot of things with Tyler. Studying wasn't on top of that list.

"Let's go to my place then and... study," Robin replied, unable to keep his hand from lingering on Tyler's knee. Soon a hand landed on top of his where it drew nervous circles.

The moment was disrupted by a buzz from Robin's phone. He pulled it out of his pocket. It was his mom. Of course, it was. It was almost as if she knew what he was doing.

Decisively, he pressed the decline-button. He couldn't let her disrupt this.

"My mom," he explained to Ty."I'll deal with her later."

Robin knew he would have to handle her somehow eventually. He just didn't quite know how yet.

He looked down at his phone again. Inevitably, she would call again. She always did.

Unless he prevented her from doing so.

Robin pressed the off-button on the phone, stopping his mom from interrupting them again.

"Are you ready?" he asked and reached out a hand to help Tyler with his crutches.

"Always ready!" Tyler replied with a big grin and stood up in front of Robin. Their faces ended up only inches apart and the air filled with a scent of lemons and lollipops. Robin had to restrain himself not to kiss the other boy there and then.

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