Chapter 23: Sugar-Free Candy

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Blond angelic curls spilled over cartoon-patterned sheets. But the moans that came from Tyler's throat were anything but angelic. They were loud, raw, and incredibly arousing.

As soon as Robin had helped Tyler get settled on the bed, he laid down beside his boyfriend and curled up as close as he could. Shoulder against shoulder, hip against hip, lips against neck.

Gently, he loosened the towel--which was wrapped around Tyler's waist--and folded it to the side. He made sure the fabric covered the injured leg because even if Tyler had just allowed him to touch it Robin suspected his boyfriend didn't want it on full display. The sight before him was astounding. Ribs rose rapidly to the rhythm of ragged breaths, muscles vibrated from tension and anticipation, and hips reached upward in search of his touch.

Not wanting to keep Tyler waiting for what he craved any longer, Robin let his hand slide down until it reached a very engorged body part. Even just a slight nudge caused a cataclysmic reaction. A loud moan echoed through Ty's entire body and his back arched backward, leaning into the touch and wanting more of it.

Tyler found Robin's lips. He didn't just taste them but he devoured them. He sucked, nibbled, and teased. A taste of metal seeped in as skin broke from the force.

"Come here, Robby." Tyler grabbed Robin's hip. In one swift move, he loosened the towel around Robin's waist and pulled his boyfriend on top of him. Robin found himself skin to skin, heat against heat, hardness against hardness. They'd never been that close before.

The room went hazy. Robin's mind went blank. His body became charged with energy and desire. Nothing mattered except for pure primal instinct. He was like a caveman at that moment, slaying whatever mammoth came in his way to get the privilege to mate.

Their movements were jerky and fast. No grace or gentleness possessed their bodies any longer. Hips gyrated against hips and groins ground together. Robin felt an urge to be even closer, but he held back. This was not the time for discussions about who would play each part in that play. Or for locating the necessary accessories. Or for figuring out the physical logistics of such closeness. This was the time for fumbling and hormonal exploration.

They explored each other's skin, muscles, and bones. Every crease was touched by lips or fingertips. A few times limbs banged together in their search for more. Perhaps there would be some bruises tomorrow. Neither of them cared.

Tyler's hands cupped around Robin's buttocks as they moved faster and faster, closer and closer, deeper and deeper. Locked together in shared pleasure. Every touch created a feedback loop of urge. They could sense each other's lust and that sensation egged them on even further. They became volcanoes filled with desperation and desire.

The eruption came fast and strong. Hot lava poured out as their bodies released everything that was tempt up inside. Nails dug into skin and teeth bit down on whatever was closest. For a while, they lived in a moment of smoke and ash. Then the haze lifted to let in a breeze of fresh air. Everything was suddenly light and easy. Kisses were soft and touches were gentle.

Robin rolled off Tyler and took his hand, while Tyler made sure the towel---which had shifted during their activities--once again covered his leg. Words were hard to come by and appeared unnecessary, so they just laid there together while their bodies recuperated from the strenuous ordeal. Breaths calmed down and muscles relaxed.

"I think we might need to bathe again," Robin mumbled eventually and looked down at the residue from the eruption.

"Let's just stay here for a while," Tyler replied and used the corner of his towel to clean off first himself and then Robin. "That'll do for now."

Sweet Little Birds (BxB Romance, Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang