Chapter 41: Blueberry Muffins

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Sharp sunrays reflected on the light layer of snow outside and bounced in through the window, where they found Robin's eyes. He blinked awake and it took him a moment to realize where he was. On the floor, in a cave made of pillows and blankets, surrounded by candy hearts, and with a sweet blonde boy--who he'd done very naughty things to the night before--in his arms. Tyler remained asleep. It appeared he could sleep through most events--including earthquakes, zombie apocalypses, and alien invasions. Although, the crinkling of a candy wrapper was known to render him wide awake in an instant.

Robin wished he could once again join Tyler in sweet dreams, but unfortunately, this day was filled with things to do. They needed to pack up the last boxes from his dorm room and load them into Lance's car before noon. So he placed a kiss on a sheet-marked cheek before reluctantly leaving the warm nest.

Hot water washed away remnants of naughtiness and sleep. Robin finished the shower quickly, hoping to sneak in some additional cuddle time before they had to be productive.

Cold air made the hairs on his arms stand on end as Robin, clad in only his underwear, left the steamy bathroom behind and stepped back into normal room temperature.

"Good morning, cutie," Tyler greeted him from the kitchen counter. Something must have woken the bear from its slumber. His boyfriend sported a pair of Robin's sweatpants and hadn't even bothered to put his leg on yet. Since Robin's dorm room was small, Tyler preferred to jump around the place on one leg instead of strapping on the leg, which could be uncomfortable to wear for extended periods.

"Morning... sweetheart?" Robin tried, his tongue not accustomed to such words of endearment.

"You sleep well? I was quite exhausted. You wore me out last night." Tyler grinned widely and took a bite out of the muffin in his hand.

Robin did a double-take. He didn't remember there being any muffins in his room.

"Blueberry, right?" Tyler asked, nodding toward the treat in his hand.

Blueberry muffins. That's what Robin's mother had always brought him at the hospital.

"Where did you get that?" Robin shouted, unable to keep his anxiety from spiraling. In a move that parallelled the agility and speed of an Olympic gymnast, he jumped to Tyler's side, shoving the sweet snack out of his boyfriend's hand.

Tyler looked in horror as crumbs shattered all over the floor. "Why did you do that?" he asked. "I found a whole basket of them in the pantry. I figured it was part of the romantic setup yesterday. Sorry if I ruined the surprise."

Robin could only shake his head. "I didn't..." he mumbled. "I didn't put them there."

Tyler gave Robin a puzzled look. "So where did they come from?"

"My mother must have been in here..." Robin mumbled, trying to keep it together as everything fell apart."She probably still has a key. She must have put them in the pantry when we were at the cinema."

"Why?" Tyler asked, rubbing his still sleepy eyes. It seemed he wasn't still grasping what was going on yet. It was too early in the morning for such mental exercises.

"She must have laced them with something, hoping you would eat them." Robin stared in horror at his boyfriend. "How are you feeling, Ty? We need to get you to the hospital right away. I don't know what she may have put in there."

Tyler shrugged, still not comprehending the gravity of the situation. "I'm fine," he said. "I only ate one."

"It doesn't matter." Robin reached for his pants on the floor, preparing to rush his boyfriend to the ER. Ty had to be fine. He had to be. The alternative was incomprehensible. "We need to go. You don't know her... You don't know what she can do." He threw Tyler his t-shirt to speed up the process. Time was of the essence right now.

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