Chapter 38: Hot Chocolate

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The warmth from the hallway hit Robin as he entered the Psychology building, warming cold-bitten cheeks. His insides thawed as well from the smile that welcomed him.

"Here you go, Robby." Tyler greeted his boyfriend--or maybe fiancé--by shoving a giant cup topped with whipped cream at him. "I figured you needed it to wake up, so I made aunt Donna stop at Tim Horton's on the way."

Robin took the offering, also stealing a kiss as he leaned close. Because kissing was of course the first thing on his mind when seeing his boyfriend for the first time that day.

"Thank you," he mumbled, putting the cup to his recently kissed lips. Hot, sweet, chocolate hit his tongue, mellowing as the soft cream blended into the mixture. "And good morning. Did you not get one for yourself?"

"Good morning, cutie," Tyler replied much perkier than should be allowed before nine in the morning. "I may have already drank mine in the car..." That explained his perkiness. "Are you ready for your meeting with the professor?"

Robin nodded. He'd barely slept the night before as restless worries kept him from drifting into dreams. But he was ready. Whatever the news was, he would be able to handle it.

Hand in hand they walked toward the Psychology building. Since Tyler no longer needed to use crutches, such displays of connection were now possible. Robin carried his hot chocolate cup in his free right hand while Tyler supported himself on his cane with his free left hand. They were synchronized and united.

Robin's heart was about to pound through his rib cage as he knocked on the door to Professor Royce's office, which was decorated with sheets of syllabuses and deadlines for all the professor's courses. Perhaps he'd gotten tired of students knocking to ask about such things.

"Our essay deadline is on Wednesday?" Tyler marveled, looking at one of the sheets.

Robin nodded. He'd already completed the assignment during the weekend, while waiting for his boyfriend during different appointments at the hospital. "I'll help you write it," he assured his not-as-well-planned partner. "I already got some topics ready for you to choose from."

A wet kiss hit his cheek. "I'd be lost without you, Robby," Tyler stated, head tilted to the side like a cute kitten.

The door cracked open before Robin could reassure his boyfriend that he would be quite fine study-wise on his own as well if he only put his mind to it. Although having his mind in the clouds was one of the many things Robin loved about Tyler. And he was very thankful that Tyler had needed a tutor in the first place.

"Mr. Erie, Mr. Caster," Professor Royce greeted them. "Punctual as usual. You can come right in so we can talk."

"I'll wait out here," Tyler told Robin, pointing toward the waiting area outside where a bowl with lollipops stood on a table. Perhaps Miss Horn had put it there. Robin guessed the bowl would be emptied in an impressive time if Ty was left alone with it.

"You can join us if you like," Professor Royce informed him. "If it's alright with Mr. Erie, of course."

Perhaps the professor had seen Robin's desperate look as Tyler stepped away from him.

"Please stay," Robin begged Tyler, squeezing his hand tighter. Tyler squeezed back.

"I'll come with you, Robby," Tyler assured him.

The office was filled with books from the floor up to the ceiling. There were even some stacks on the floors, probably because all bookshelves were already filled. Robin read some of the titles on the spines as he walked by, noting that the subjects ran from Algebra to X-ray Technology. It appeared Professor Royce's interests went far beyond his chosen subject to study.

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