Christmas Special!

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Hey everyone, and Merry Christmas! As is tradition for most holidays, I wrote a bonus chapter for SLB, this time featuring Robin and Ty preparing for the holidays together with Professor Royce and his husband Alejandro.

Since I wrote this chapter as part of a Christmas Anthology with my friends in the FW30's community, you won't find the story here though, instead, click on the link in the comment beside this paragraph to get to the anthology! (and while you're there, check out the stories from the other authors as well)

Below is a small excerpt to start you off with though:

"Are you talking about me?" Like a whirlwind, Tyler entered the room, cheeks rosy from the winter cold and hair tousled from being crammed under a knitted hat. "Hi, Robby." Sitting down on the chair beside Robin, Tyler placed a chilly kiss on his cheek before greeting the two other men in the room with "Hi, Robby's dads."

"They're not my..." Robin mumbled in vague protest. His boyfriend had taken to calling the two men his dads lately. Maybe "Jon and Alejandro" were simply too many syllables for his hectic mind to remember.

Check out the anthology to get the rest of the story! It's basically pure fluff wrapped in Christmas paper :)

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