Chapter 29: Late-Night Snack

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Time disappeared as Robin sat in a dazed state on his bed. Darkness surrounded him in the bare room, where even the lightbulbs had been unscrewed.

His mother knew everything, and she had taken everything she could. Everything but Ty, but maybe Robin would lose him. Because even if she couldn't force Robin to come home, what other options would he have once the semester was over? He had no money to pay tuition or support himself with. His situation was hopeless. His mind tried to figure out a way forward but was blocked by anxiety and despair at every turn.

Letting despair take over, he fell over on the bed, curling up in fetal position.

Something soft nudged against his cheek. Surprised, Robin reached for the item. It was Tyler's fleece pajama pants with ice cream cones on them. His mother must have left them behind, not wanting such vile items in her home. Balling the fuzzy pants up, he clasped the clothing item to his chest, letting his nose take in the wondrous scent.

Sweet vanilla and tangy lemon. The smell of hope and freedom.

Perhaps his situation wasn't hopeless. Perhaps there was a way. Perhaps he could do this.

As his hands clasped the comforting fabric, he felt something lumpy underneath. Shoving his hand into one of the pockets, he found a hidden treasure. A green lollipop with apple flavor. Tyler must have put it there in case he needed a late-night snack.

Robin kind of needed a snack right now. So he unsheeted the candy and popped it between his lips.

Slowly, as the sweet flavor reached his taste buds, all the mounting problems shading Robin's mind started to be outshone by solutions. He could get a job. He could sleep on Des' couch. He could slowly but surely path his way toward freedom.

He could be with Ty. That was the most important thing.

A sting of longing awoke in his chest. He needed Ty by his side now. He needed pats on his hair, arms around his chest, and encouraging kisses.

Ty... Robin realized he'd left Ty without even telling him where he was going. Afraid of his mother's wrath, he had only thought of protecting Ty from her. He'd left without a word, just like Tyler's mother once had done. And to add insult to injury, Robin had left during what was supposed to be a celebration in his boyfriend's honor.


Perhaps he'd lost Tyler too. Perhaps there would be no more kisses.

Terrified of his boyfriend's reaction to his disappearing act, Robin pulled up his phone from his pocket and pressed to call Ty. The signals ringed out into the ether, with no one picking up on the other end.

Robin felt eerily like his mother as he called over and over. But his calls weren't out of an urge to possess but rather out of an urge to apologize and explain. And most of all, he needed someone to hold him just for a little while.

But the calls kept ringing to deaf ears. And with every call a knife twister further into Robin's chest. Tyler must be mad at him for leaving.

Between the calls to Tyler, he shot away a call to Des. He didn't want to call her as Tyler may change his mind and call back.

"Are you with Ty?" he asked.

"No," the reply soon came back. "I'm with Sarah and Hernan at the alpaca farm. They will drive me home. Where are you? Tyler said you left because you had to study."

"At home. My mother knows," he simply replied, before trying to call Ty once again. It appeared Tyler had covered for him by giving a reason for his disappearance. Which made him long for his boyfriend even more, indicating that Tyler--despite what Robin had done--didn't want him to look bad.

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