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LOTS of IMPORTANT info at the end. A poll being one of them.

Seven's POV


The sun broke through the trees and by the chirping of the birds fluttering through the air, I knew I had fucked up. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night since seeing whatever the hell I saw, and it's not like a dog can take watch the entire night.

Daryl would let me if it were just the two of us, but I don't think the group has built up enough trust in me to do something like that.

Daryl being the early riser he is was already waking up. With bleary eyes and seeing the smallest crevice of his Dixon blues, he stares at me for a moment. Either not sure why I was awake before him or just trying to process things this early into waking up, "G'mornin'."

I yawn, an odd whine coming from me when I do so. I nudge him with my nose from my spot beside him as a good morning to him.

Glenn was on the final watch. They usually take turns in four hour intervals, three is too short and five is too long. Rick had first watch and Glenn had second, we usually rotate days and people so everyone is getting a good and fair amount of time on watch and rest.

Glenn walks over to us once he sees that Rick is also starting to wake up and Daryl is already inspecting his crossbow. Sometimes I think he likes that damn thing more than me.

"So, when are we gonna do this?" Glenn asks Rick first thing in the morning, barely giving the poor man some time to get his boots on. Jeez, give him some room why don't ya', pizza boy?

Daryl and I listen into the conversation, not really eavesdropping because we aren't bothering to hide anything, "As soon as we eat some breakfast. We can start waking everybody up now." Rick is looking up with squinted eyes from his place on his sleeping bag.

I immediately leave Daryl's side to go wake up Carl. Better to be woken up by a dog than your parents who are constantly bickerin', right?

Making my way over to Carl, who is somewhere in between Rick and Lori, I first just lay over his stomach. The action apparently just knocked all the wind out of the poor kid because he was shooting awake with a large breath escaping him and a fit of coughs. Shit. My bad. I immediately get off of him and wait for him to regroup himself.

Glancing over to Daryl who is looking at me with an amused expression. Not sure if he's amused by my sort of.. friendship I guess you could call it with Carl, or if he's amused by the fact I nearly just squished the kid against the ground. Nevertheless, I narrow my eyes at him, to try and make him look away only for him to shake his head with a small smile. Asshole.

I roll my eyes playfully and turn back towards Carl who had finally returned back to normal, "Good morning to you too, Seven." He smiles sleepily, his voice deeper from only just waking up. I stare at him for a moment and just process his voice. Did he..? Is his voice getting deeper? Like, just barely.

I shake the previous thoughts from my head and instead just nudge his cheek with my wet nose as a more formal good morning to him. He pets my head while I give him a nod and a wag of my tail before returning to Daryl's side. Everyone else, is your guy's problem.

Seven ➳ d.dixon's dogWhere stories live. Discover now