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Seven's POV

We were outside where the kid said they were keeping Glenn. Rick asked T-dog if he was ready for this and receiving a 'yeah' in response. "One wrong move, you get an arrow up the ass, and possibly a bite by Seven here." He gestures to me petting my head, "Just so you know." I'm not down to bite someone's ass. I'll do it but, it's not like I'd choose it over anything else.

The kid who is sitting down with his elbows on his knees and cocks a remark, "G's gonna take that arrow out of my ass and shove it up yours. Then he'll shoot your dog. Just so you know."

I can see the anger flare up from Daryl but Ricks speaks before Daryl gets the idea to do anything. Rick begins to talk to the kid, but Daryl crouches down beside me. He rubs behind my ears and mutters, only loud enough for me to hear, "You're a good dog. Don't do nothin' stupid though."

Rick loads his shotgun staring at Daryl as a sign to 'Move out.' We stand up and quietly move to where the kid is leading us. He moves lazily. Like a child pouting. We approach two wooden doors as they slide open. A man steps forward and asks the kid, "You okay, little man?" He adjusts how he stands not seeming to show worry for the kid.

"They're gonna cut off my feet, carnal."

The man leans over peering at Rick, "Cops do that?" he questions.

The kid gives a shake of his head, "Not him. This red neck puto here." he turns his body looking at Daryl. I give out a short growl being cut off by Daryl nudging me, meaning to shut the hell up. "He's cut off some dude's hand, man. He showed it to me."

"Shut up." Daryl barks. I give another short growl this time Daryl not nudging me.

"Hey, thad that bark right there, homes" The guy who Daryl has earlier shot in the ass, walks out with a gun pointed as Daryl along with some other guy. Daryl and Rick move their aim to the guy threatening to shoot Daryl. "He shot me in the ass with an arrow. What's up, homes, huh?"

I'm growling baring my teeth at him, my haunches are raised as my fur stands on ends. The main guy who's G, glances over to me warily. "Chill, ese, chill." He gestures to me, "Unless you want this dog ripping out your throat I'd chill, man." He holds out an arm in front of the man. The man lowers his gun eyeing me. What? You think I won't? G looks up at Rick and Daryl, "This true? He wants Miguelito's feet? That's pretty sick man." You guys took one of our people and the kid was stubborn on givin' information had ta' try somethin'

Rick adjusts the shotgun, "We we're hoping more for a calm discussion." Rick.. you're holdin' a damn shotgun at the man and he has Glenn. How tha' hell you see anythin' calm about this?

"That little hillbilly jumps Felipe's little cousin," Daryl loves his crossbow back and forth between the men. I growl at the word hillbilly. "Beats on him, threatens to cut off his feet, Felipe gets and arrow in the ass, and you want a calm discussion? You fascinate me." I don't know what tha' Rick was thinkin'.

"Heat of the moment. Mistakes were made on both sides."

G nods toward Daryl, "Who's that dude to you anyway? You don't look related." Neither Rick nor Daryl have put down their weapons.

"He's one of our group, more or less. I'm sure you have a few like him." You tryna say somethin'? I turn my head back towards Rick and give him a 'What the hell' look.

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