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This is exactly what I think of when I think of Seven.
Seven's POV

Daryl's paces back in forth in front of Merle's hand, his breathing is labored from trying to control his emotions. I sit beside the hand simply staring at him with my ears back.

As his breathing becomes heavier he swiftly brings up his crossbow pointing at T-dog, finger on the trigger. Rick being just as nearly fast with pulling out his Python and pointing it to Daryl's head. I stand up instantly my teeth bared and growling, my haunches rises as I prepare to attack. All Daryl needs to say is one word. "I won't hesitate. I don't care if every walker in the city hears it. I'll kill you and your dog." Rick states, this only making me take a step forward as my growling grows more vicious. His eyes flick to me for second before moving back to Daryl.

Daryl lowers his crossbow staring at T-dog, scrunching his face, T-dog let's out a breath he seems to have been holding the moment Daryl raised it. Rick hasn't lowered his revolver yet so I give a bark, urging him to lower it. He looks at me before he forces the hammer down on his revolver and lowering it. I stop growling and move towards Daryl's side, nudging his leg with my side to let him know i'm here.

I look up at him as he scrunches his face one more time before asking, "You got a- You got a do-rag or somethin'?" Daryl questions, his face finally neutral. T-dog hesitates before handing him a blue do-rag, Daryl snatching it from his hand as he shakes it out as if something was in it. He leans his crossbow against the air conditioner on the roof as we approach the hand, Rick watching our every move. Fuck off. Get off our backs.

Daryl sighs before crouching down in front of the hand. He lays out the do-rag flat beside Merle's hand before saying, "I guess the uh saw blade was too dull for the handcuffs." He reaches over picking up the hand by the finger and turning it around to look at it better, "Ain't that a bitch" he extends it out to me urging me to take a sniff so I can memorize it which I complied to.

He sets it down in the middle of the do-rag he has previously lied out before neatly folding it. He picks it up as he stands up looking for something to put it in, he raises his free hand at Glenn signaling him over to put the hand in the backpack he brought. He begins putting the wrapped hand in his backpack, I look around to see everyone cringing at him doing this. I have to admit it is a bit nasty but at least try to hide your disgust.

He finishes putting it in Glenn's backpack, "He must have used a tourniquet — maybe his belt. Be much more blood if he didn't" he says picking up his crossbow and walking towards the blood trail. "Hey Seven, ya think you can track his blood?" I give a yip meaning yes in 'our language.' I see the others look at me with small grins playing at the corner of their lips. What? Don't make fun of us. This is our thing. I narrow my eyes at them.

We follow the trail to another door on the roof, Daryl and I leading. We cautiously turns corners until we reach a spiral staircase. "Merle? You in here?" Daryl's yells, his voice echoing off the walls. I let out a bark that sounded much louder than it actually was because of the echo.

We reached the bottom of the stairs that lead to what looked like used to be an office, the trail leading us through here. I walk in front of the group with my nose to the ground, everyone behind me on high alert. I turn the corner first seeing two dead walkers on the ground, "Had enough in him to take out these two sumbitches. One handed." Was that a joke? I turn around and see the rest were standing near the doorway. The rest make their way into the room. Daryl hunches over to reload his crossbow, "Toughest asshole I ever met, my brother." He cocks back the spring with a grunt, "Feed him a hammer, he'd crap out nails" That's probably true.

Seven ➳ d.dixon's dogWhere stories live. Discover now