f o r t y - o n e

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I've been watching this group of people for a few days now. They seem tightly wound and were struggling until they found this prison which I've sorta camped outside of the past night. They have this.. dog. He seemed to have spot me last night and did not seem welcoming in the slightest. Not that it concerned me really, especially since most dogs are dull-minded and are unable to get across what they're barking about.

The group of people, with the addition of that dog, were able to fight their ways into the prison. Killing the undead more efficiently and effectively than any other group I've met so far, which is few. They're impressive.

I lick my mouth of any blood that remained from my previous meal when I see the dog and a man at one of the entrances to the prison. The man seemed angry and the dog seemed.. well, guilty. I couldn't help but frown and feel some sympathy towards the dog. 'Guilt is a monster that loves to feed on the mind,' I hear the memory of my mother's voice. Oh how I missed her. Especially during these times.

The man slams the door shut, leaving the dog out in the courtyard. It takes the dog a minute before he starts along the fence to find and opening in it. The sun must be eating him alive. I think while staring at his black coat. And that gravel must be no fun either.

The dog doesn't lose stride as he finds a way through the fence and the other, making his way out into the field. They trot their way over to the shade of one of the towers, before plopping down in the grass.

Though not long after that, the dog walks out of the shade and plops their ass down along the fence. Specifically at the spot where he'd seen me. What? Do they think I'm just gonna be in the same spot I was originally spotted?

Apparently they did think that because hours passed and that damn dog was still staring at the same bush. Occasionally he'd look away and towards the water on my side of the fence, or would look at a rustle in the bush which was usually some small animal. But for the most part they were focused on the bush I'd been the night prior to making eye contact with the brown-eyed dog.

As time passed he seemed to glance over at the water more and more. Must be thirsty as all hell. I was quite right when moments after he started to dig a hole under the fence. Damn, dogs.

I watch as dirt and roots are thrown everywhere behind the rather large dog. I frown, feeling that the dog is just like any other dog. Stupid. Isn't that gonna create a breach in their security..? I think with a deadpan expression.

Though I am surprised when the big dog is able to fit through the tiniest of holes. From here I can see the fence dig into the back of the dog, no doubt pulling at their fur. I can't tell if they're choosing to do that to keep the security still tight or just out of pure hastiness. Either way, the thought and sight has me cringing. That's gotta have hurt.

The dog doesn't seem to show pain when they make it to my side of the fence, rather they show the opposite. The dog starts to prance and hop around, celebrating their small little victory with a wide grin. What an idiot..

The scene almost has me smile, but I restrain myself and just continue to watch. Watch.. as.. the dog nose dives into the pond by what looks like a complete accident. Hope you can swim then, doggie.

Seven ➳ d.dixon's dogWhere stories live. Discover now