t h i r t y - f i v e

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Seven's POV

Short, steady, and shuffled footsteps come from the darkness of the open gate. Daryl and I wait in anticipation for these prisoners who had undoubtedly followed us to show themselves. C'mon, you pricks.

The footsteps stop right when it sounds like their at the gate and out emerges the first prisoner, the armed hispanic man. He looks around the room as he walks more into it, being followed by the other four prisoners. His eyes bounce around the room but they mostly go back and forth between Daryl and I. The man's gun is in his makeshift waistband he created with his prison jumpsuit, though he is still a threat.

"That's far enough," Daryl says from behind me. I'm not growling yet, but I do begin to bare my teeth when he continues to leisurely walk further into the room.

"Cell Block C. Cell 4 — that's mine, gringo," He shrugs his shoulders some, "Let me in." Yeah, right.

"Today's your lucky day, fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia. You're free to go," Daryl says. I can't tell if he's joking to fit the prison theme here or not. Either way it made me almost smile for a split second.

This guy's entire stance and demeanor just screams hostility. "What you got going on in there?" He asks, quite dumbly. Oh, I don't know, maybe a ritualistic seance to grant Hershel his leg back. Sorry, bud. You missed the main event of the house warming party.

"It ain't none of your concern," Daryl says. No one has made a move yet but everyone is on high alert. Cautious, wary, and hostile against the other.

He then pulls out his gun, "Don't be telling me what's my concern." I growl as a warning. He hasn't raised his gun yet but, I wouldn't be surprised if he were to. Part of me wishes we'd just take him out and get it over with but I also know that it wouldn't be that simple. Plus, we don't work that way.

"Chill, man," The huge man says. I glance at him, but refocus on the primary threat here, "Dude's leg is messed up," More like gone, "and by the look that dog has, he looks ready to eat ya'. Besides, we're free now. Why are we still in here?"

"The man's got a point," Daryl says.

"Yeah, and I gotta check on my old lady," The calm and medium sized man says. I stop baring my teeth for a second, my eyebrows furrowing. How long- huh?

"A group of civilians breaking in to a prison you got no business being in," He pauses, for some reason only looking angrier. "Got me thinking there ain't no place for us to go," He raises his voice some while shrugging. Well, he was smart enough to pick up on that.

"Why don't you go find out?" Daryl suggests, lowly. A low grumble of a growl forms from my chest, trying to further convince these guys to leave.

Mustache Man glances down at me from the corner of my eye before looking back up between the hispanic man and Daryl, "Maybe we'll just be going now." He gets the right idea pretty quickly.

"We ain't leaving," The armed man says, confident in what he is saying.

Suddenly I hear a gun cock to my right, making my head instantly snap in the direction of the sound. It's T-Dog with a pistol raised at the man's head, "You ain't coming in either."

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